Outdoor Asia

Shuruaat outdoor se!


SHt MDx wDQtHG to mDNH D comH-bDcN DItHr , PL and OOH was used for the same with the theme ‘SKXrXDDt YDKiQ SH’. 7KH brDQG SDrtQHrHG witK M2MS for this and the brief was to execute a high visibility OOH campaign in all the top towns and extend and strengthen tKH brDQG imDJHry DV D MoviH CKDQQHO. Outdoor basically supported the TV ads for “Shuruaat YDKiQ VH” wKHrHiQ tKH cKDQQHO KiJKOiJKtH­G cHrtDiQ movies that change our lives for the better. The cDmSDiJQ wDV HxHcXtHG iQ MXmbDi, DHOKi, AKmHGDbDG, PXQH, LXcNQow DQG BKoSDO. 7KH crHDtivH XVHG KDG VQDSVKotV oI bOocNbXVtH­r KitV & QHw moviHV DQG ODrJH format media was used in all the top towns with the focus being on key hoardings on main junctions and DrtHriDO roXtHV. FrHqXHQcy wDV crHDtHG tKroXJK bXV ViGH SDQHOV iQ MXmbDi. 7KH cDmSDiJQ wDV ODXQcKHG oQ 28tK MDy DQG wHQt oQ Ior 10 GDyV. A totDO oI 225 oXtGoor sites were used for the campaign

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