Outdoor Asia

The Alexandria­n Solutions!

- Reena Mehta

FRr ORQJ, 0HDsurHPHQ­t LQ 2ut-Rf-HRPH Ds D SKHQRPHQRQ KDs PDdH ‘NAT2 (NR ActLRQ, TDOk 2QOy)’ Lts stDtus TuR; sR PucK sR tKDt tKH LssuH Ls D stDQdLQJ PHtDSKRr fRr tKH LQfDPRus GRrdLDQ .QRt. TKus 2utdRRr AdYHrtLsLQ­J &RQYHQtLRQ 2012, standing true to its theme of ‘Disrupt the Status Quo’ yet again brought this topic to the center stage, but the aim this tLPH DrRuQd wDs QRt Must tR PuOO RYHr Lt, Eut tR KDYH rHQRwQHd HxSHrts dLscuss, dHEDtH DQd SDYH tKHLr wDy LQtR fiQdLQJ DQ AOHxDQdrLD­Q 6ROutLRQ tR tKLs LssuH, L.H. &uttLQJ tKH GRrdLDQ .QRt. 5HDd RQ tR kQRw tKH DctLRQ tKDt uQfROdHd RQ-stDJH.

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