Outdoor Asia

Celebrate the streets, celebrate OOH

- Yogesh Kamath

The last session of OAC 2012 Day 1 left the industry introspect­ing and it was Santosh Padhi aka Paddy who held the PLrrRr. TKH cR-fRuQdHr DQd NDtLRQDO &rHDtLYH DLrHctRr Rf RQH Rf tKH tRSPRst LQdHSHQdHQ­t DJHQcLHs LQ tKH wRrOd, TDS5RRt IQdLD, EHJDQ Ey KLJKOLJKtL­QJ tKH suSHrLRrLt­y Rf tKH RutdRRr PHdLuP DQd wKy KH fHHOs Lt Ls ‘rDstH kD PDDO sDstH PHLQ’. HH then shared some case studies from around the world to make the industry realise that ‘we have not milked the street cow yet’ and concluded by making the industry realise that their medium is the ‘karta dharta’ of the future.

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