Outdoor Asia

OAC 2013: Young Outdoorian­s got cracking


It was a refreshing sight to see some Young Outdoorian­s put on their thinking caps to come up with the best OOH plan for a given brief. They were the contestant­s at the ‘Young Outdoorian – The Best Outdoor Media Plan’ competitio­n held as part of the Outdoor Advertisin­g Convention (OAC) 2013. The contest, anchored by Siddharth Subramania­m, Principal Media Consultant– ,7& )RRGV %UVLQHVV, KDG fiYH WHDPV SDUWLFLSDW­LQJ LQ it, and was an initiative to call for fresh young ideas in the OOH creative space. Siddharth presented the contestant­s with the brief, which was to come up with a complete OOH marketing plan for the brand Enjoy Chips, part of Hindustan Chips and Beverages Ltd. Essentiall­y meant to engage with the youth T G while simultaneo­usly highlighti­ng the Indian character DQG flDYRUU, WKH PDUNHWLQJ REMHFWLYHV RI WKH EUDQG campaign had to bring out the ‘Asli’ character of the SURGUFW. 6LGGKDUWK IUUWKHU HODERUDWHG IRU WKH EHQHfiW RI the participan­ts, other details such as the size of the snacks category which he pegged at Rs 2500 crore of which the brand he said, holds 60% of the market share. Competing teams, all from different creative agencies, had to basically come up with an OOH strategy and plan, quantifyin­g and prioritizi­ng reach and frequency levels , effective OHH vehicle selection and media mix, besides doing budget recommenda­tions, OOH media mix plan, thinking up monitoring and feedback mechanisms and doing a competitiv­e analysis.

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