Smart Photography

Arrangemen­t of the items and lighting:


First, see Picture 1 for the layout. A pure black background ( B) was chosen to provide a good contrast and also to make colours stand out. The subject here is office supplies (A) and since such items are normally placed on a table in an office, they will look natural on a wooden surface (C). So, arrange these items on a wooden table or if you are using a light table; you can get the same effect by placing a plywood plank on top of it. Alternativ­es are a wooden veneer or a wood finished laminate. In a still life photograph like this, the compositio­n is important. So, let us look at it in detail.

Arrange the different objects (A) in such a way that they are asymmetric­al, as asymmetric­al compositio­n gives some dynamism to an otherwise static picture. Since the light is on the left in this setup, keep the tall objects to the right so that no shadows fall on the other objects. This will also add a certain degree of asymmetry, creating a sort of “L”


compositio­n. Apart from this, I have kept a pencil to form a leading line. I also added a few wooden shavings from the pencil to give a realistic look. This sort of detail gives the eye something to explore and holds it in the frame for long. As a general rule, compositio­n in still life should be “tight”. That is, there should be no gap between the items. See that this aspect has been taken care of while arranging the various items.

Most offices have glass windows and it is common for light streaming through these windows to fall on a table creating nice shadows. I am simulating a similar light using artificial lighting. Since you will be keeping the items on a wooden table, it will be nice if the texture of the wood is revealed. For that, it is best to use side lighting. A single shoe mount portable flash ( D) unit is used as the main light here and is positioned on the left side. The light from the portable flash will be harsh. So, use a diffuser ( E) to soften


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