Smart Photography



A computer program that instructs a computer what to do, when to do and how to do

Tagged Image File Format – a lossless file format

A lens having an angle-of-view narrower than that of a Normal lens ( Eg. 70, 85, 100, 200, 300mm etc)

A lens that fits between the camera body and the main lens. Its job is to increase the focal length, thereby offering a larger image


Telephoto lens:



A light modifier in the shape of an umbrella

Stands for Vibration Reduction – a feature that eliminates/reduces the effect of hand-shake


White Balance:

A process of getting rid of colour casts. White objects should appear white in prints (there could be several reasons why that may not be so). Once white objects appear white, all other colours appear without any colour casts

Wide-angle lens:

A lens having an angle-of-view greater than that of a Normal lens ( Eg. 35, 28, 24, 20mm etc)

X-sync speed:

Shutter speeds compatible with electronic flash

Zoom lens:


A lens having multiple focal

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