Smart Photography

Colour temperatur­e:


Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black. These are the colours used in books/ magazines printing


the colour of light.


Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. An interchang­eable lens camera that uses a reflex mirror for viewing

Set of metal blades that control the amount of light entering a lens (same as Aperture)



in a photo.

The zone of sharpness

DOF Preview Button:

A measure of

A button on the camera that allows you to visually check the depth-of-field.

The range of brightness that can be captured by a film or digital imaging sensor. This range is much lower than the dynamic range of our eyes

In-camera electronic enlargemen­t of the central area of a frame. Use of digital zoom should be avoided if high image quality is required. The same effect can be achieved during post-processing, by cropping an area and enlarging it

Dots Per Inch. A measure of print resolution

(1) A camera filter that softens an image ( generally used with portraits).

(2) Any material that softens the light from a ‘ hard light source’ like the sun or a flashgun. Placed between the light source and the subject

Dynamic Range:

Digital zoom:



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