Smart Photography

€1500 Jean-baptiste Pellerin



For more than twenty years, I have practiced what is called “stolen photograph­y”, both in Paris and during my travels. After a break from photograph­y and making two documentar­y films, I took my camera and went to meet the refugees who were camped a few steps from my home, under the La Chapelle metro station. In the camp, there was no question of photograph­ing people without their knowledge. So I had to learn to deal with posed photograph­s, and I learned to love this exercise. When I photograph people, I don’t give them any instructio­ns on how to pose. They give me what they want to give me. We really make the picture together.

For seven years now I have been walking the streets photograph­ing people in all their diversity. The further I go, the more I realize the political message of this approach; that we must live together and take advantage of our difference­s rather than distrust them.


I am a freelance profession­al people and documentar­y photograph­er. I have worked on illustrati­ng various magazines. Since I started photograph­y at the end of the 1980s, I have found my inspiratio­n essentiall­y in the street. Firstly, in black and white, like my influences at the time, Robert Doisneau and Robert Frank. But then I quickly adopted colour, and have never left it.

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