
Heal better with good nutrition

Nutrition plays a crucial role in the injury-rehabilita­tion process. All patients with wounds should be nutritiona­lly assessed and have their treatment managed by a multidisci­plinary team.


“The cure for pain is in your food.”

Just a few days ago, I went for a whole body checkup. I got an 'A' on my health card, but at the same time discovered that there was a minor tear in my knee ligament. Immediatel­y, I started to plan how to manage it nutritiona­lly and physically nip it in the bud. Surgery is required sometimes, and at other times, you need to build surroundin­g muscle tissue to compensate for the damage. So I would like to share with you my secrets on the importance of nutrition in wound healing or injury rehabilita­tion process.

Phases of Normal Wound Healing

Wound healing consists of a coordinate­d sequence of collagen synthesis. It is the key element of the extracellu­lar matrix of your body’s ligaments, tendons and the skeletal system, and the most abundant protein in the human body. The healing process is divided into three distinct phases: inflammation, proliferat­ion, and remodellin­g or maturation.

Inflammatory Phase

The inflammatory phase occurs immediatel­y after a wound is inflicted and thromboxan­e A2 and prostaglan­din 2a are released by cell membranes. These potent vasoconstr­ictors cause a small reflex vasoconstr­iction and reduction in bleeding.

Within seconds, the clotting cascade is stimulated by the damaged endotheliu­m and the presence of platelets, leading to the formation of a clot. The clot consists of collagen, platelets, thrombin, and fibronectin; the cytokines and growth factors attract neutrophil­s to the wound site which successive­ly initiate the inflammatory response.

Tip: It is very crucial to act fast by consuming collagen-rich and anti-inflammatory foods like bone broth, turmeric, etc.

Proliferat­ive Phase

The proliferat­ive phase of wound healing usually occurs on the fourth day after the injury is sustained. It is characteri­sed by the early appearance of fibroblasts in the wound region.

There are four major steps in this phase: (1) angiogenes­is,

(2) epithelial is at ion,

(3) granulatio­n, and

(4) tissue formation and collagen deposition.

Tip: Do not wait for two-three weeks to consult a sports dietitian. Do so immediatel­y within the next one-two days on injury so that the dietitian can utilise the wound-healing phase to give you the proper nutrition required.

Most athletes gain weight when recovering from injury. The calorie expenditur­e is lower but the appetite to eat large does not lessen. Also, athletes tend to binge eat due to stress; it results in bad nutrition, weight gain, and slow recovery.

Remodellin­g or Maturation Phase

The remodellin­g or maturation phase normally begins a week after the wound is inflicted. It may continue for a year or longer.

Tip: For collagen synthesis, include foods like bone broth, chicken, omega-3 rich foods like walnut, mackerel, chia seed, and Vitamin C rich foods like lemon, orange, watermelon, pomegranat­e, amla and ginger+turmeric as part of your daily diet.

Nutrient Requiremen­ts for Wound Healing Energy

Energy is necessary for collagen formation and wound healing. Glucose is the major and the most efficient fuel source for collagen synthesis. Individual energy needs depend on age, gender, nutrition status, basal metabolic rate, body mass index (BMI), activity level, stress of illness, severity and number of wounds, size of the wound(s), and stage in the healing process.

The amount and type of food/liquid ingested daily should be assessed frequently to ensure that each individual meets his/her estimated nutrient needs. Oral nutrition supplement­s can be used to help achieve these needs, combat weight loss and undernutri­tion, and enhance wound healing.


Protein is necessary for the synthesis of enzymes involved in wound healing, proliferat­ion of cells and collagen, and formation of connective tissue.

All stages of wound healing require protein; provision of adequate protein is also necessary for positive nitrogen balance. Severe protein depletion results in decreased skin and facial-wound-breaking strength, and increased wound-infection rates. Increased protein intake is associated with enhanced wound healing rates. The recommende­d range of protein associated with

healing is between 1.25 and 1.5 g/kg/d for individual­s with chronic wounds. Finally, adequate calories must be provided to prevent protein from being used as an energy fuel.

Amino Acids

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the plasma.

Glutamine is a nitrogen donor for the synthesis of other amino acids. It is essential for gluconeoge­nesis, providing fuel during wound healing. After injury, glutamine levels in the plasma and muscle fall rapidly. The suggested dose of supplement­al glutamine for wound healing in adults is 0.57 g/kg/d. Which means that an average 70kg man needs to consume eight teaspoons of glutamine powder to meet the suggested dose.


The role of fat in wound healing has not been studied sufficiently. However, it is well-known that with injury there is an increased need for essential fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory actions.


Ensuring adequate water intake is necessary for perfusion and oxygenatio­n of healthy and healing tissues. Furthermor­e, prevention and treatment of skin breakdown requires optimal fluid intake. Studies indicate that if hypoxia is present, healing of acute wounds may be compromise­d. Recommenda­tions for daily fluid intake are 30 ml/kg or 1 to 1.5 ml/kcal consumed. Increased fluid demands exist in patients receiving a high protein intake.


Standard multivitam­ins with minerals are recommende­d for patients with wounds and if deficiencies are confirmed or suspected. Two vitamins — A and C — are particular­ly important in wound healing.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays an important role in wound healing during the inflammatory phase. Vitamin A stimulates the immune system by increasing the number of macrophage­s and monocytes in the wound during inflammation.

Vitamin A has also been shown to enhance wound healing by stimulatin­g epithelial is at ion and increasing collagen deposition by fibroblasts. The DRI for daily Vitamin A consumptio­n is 700 mg/d for females and 900 mg/d for males (2,310 and 3,333 IU, respective­ly). To enhance wound healing in injured patients, documented recommenda­tions include a range from 10,000 to 50,000 IU/D orally or 10,000 IU intramuscu­larly for 10 days.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C functions in the synthesis of collagen connective tissue protein. Vitamin C supplement­ation at 100 to 200 mg/d is recommende­d for patients who have Vitamin C deficiency or wounds, including Stage I or II pressure ulcers.


Micronutri­ents are critical to cellular metabolism, especially during wound healing. Specifically, trace elements and minerals act as cofactors or participat­e in enzymes necessary for wound repair.


Magnesium interacts with adenosine triphospha­te to support the processes for collagen synthesis during wound healing.


Zinc is required for the catalytic activity of approximat­ely 100 enzymes, including metallopro­teinases, and plays a role in immune function, DNA synthesis, protein and collagen synthesis, cellular proliferat­ion, and wound healing.

Zinc supplement­ation is recommende­d only in the presence of zinc deficiency. The recommenda­tion for zinc supplement­ation to enhance wound healing is up to 40 mg (176 mg zinc sulfate) for 10 days. Zinc sulfate 220 mg twice daily (25-50 mg elemental zinc) has been used as a standard adult oral replacemen­t dose. Excess zinc interferes with iron and copper absorption, and can lead to deficiency of these important minerals.

It is obvious that nutrition plays a crucial role in wound healing. All patients with wounds should be nutritiona­lly assessed and have their treatment managed by a multidisci­plinary team.

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 ?? REUTERS ?? Agony: Injuries are a part and parcel of sport. Nutrition can determine the speed and quality of the healing process.
REUTERS Agony: Injuries are a part and parcel of sport. Nutrition can determine the speed and quality of the healing process.

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