SP's Airbuz


To fully harness the growth prospect of Indian aviation, problems have to be addressed with deliberate and decisive measures. With these, for Indian aviation, sky is the limit.


To fully harness the growth prospect of Indian aviation, problems have to be addressed with deliberate and decisive measures. With these, for Indian aviation, sky is the limit.

FROM 44.6 MILLION DOMESTIC passengers in financial year 2007-08 to 121 million domestic passengers in 2017-18, Indian aviation has seen phenomenal growth. This growth is forecast to continue with India becoming the third largest aviation market by 2030. A growing middle class that is 300 million strong as of now, a trend towards urbanisati­on leading to increased travel demand, rising propensity to spend and significan­t capacity entering the market – all key factors for growth are aligned. Indian airlines have capitalise­d on this growth potential evidenced by the large fleet orders. The current

commercial fleet of 645 aircraft is likely to double within the next seven to ten years and for each aircraft flying, there are 1.6 aircraft on order. However, this growth is not without challenges as elaborated below:

TAX ON ATF. The tax policy related to Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) continues to hamper growth prospects. For Indian carriers, ATF constitute­s 35 to 40 per cent of the operating cost of an airline. It is one of the largest expense items and unfortunat­ely the pricing of ATF in India is based on import parity rather than on the basis of actual cost including refining and marketing. These

lead to inflated pricing on top of which states levy their own surcharge. ATF continues to be out of the purview of GST leading to incredibly thin margins for the airline industry.

AIRPORT CAPACITY. Airport capacity poses a huge challenge for Indian airlines. While the country has a total of 449 airports, metro airports continue to be key to aviation traffic with 61 per cent of the domestic traffic and 73 per cent of internatio­nal traffic still originatin­g from the six metro airports at Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Chennai. For airline network planners, this poses a dilemma as networks have to cover these cities yet they are constraine­d by the ability to add flights due to non-availabili­ty of slots and parking. Peak slots across the metro cities are taken and parking has reached saturation. A new runway in Bengaluru expected to be operationa­l by the end of this year, will ease the problem to some extent, but the system capacity will continue to be a challenge. For airlines this means a forced dispersal of capacity towards non-metro and Tier-II cities which will inevitably lead to decline in yield.

FLEET INDUCTION. The current fleet and aircraft on order highlights the significan­t capacity that will enter the market. The capacity growth can well lead to downward pressure on fares as airlines compete and rush to fill new capacity with market stimulatio­n via lower fares. Indeed, this is the reason the market has seen high load factors, but declining yields. When coupled with airport saturation, the challenge is threefold namely – where to park the airplanes, where to fly the airplanes and how to do it profitably.

MARKET COMPETITIO­N. The market currently has three full-service carriers and four low-cost carriers, all competing for the same traffic. A search on the website of any travel agent such as MakeMytrip or ClearTrip, will show similar pricing levels across carriers. Thus it is the cost-base that matters and airlines with the lowest cost of delivery measured by cost per available seat kilometre, are the ones that tend to do well. For the last three years, it is the low-cost carriers that have consistent­ly delivered profits while the full-service carriers have been bleeding. With the forecast capacity addition, fare wars will continue to be intense and a focus on costs will be critical to growth. Indeed, as one looks at airlines that are finding it hard to compete, these being Air India and Jet Airways, their cost base is fairly high and in this market environmen­t extremely challengin­g.

LIQUIDITY. The large fleet orders require financing and the financing environmen­t is forecast to become a bit more challengin­g. With IndiGo using the sale and lease-back model wherein the aircraft is sold to a lessor at a profit and leased back to the airline for a period of six to eight years, others have followed suit. As of now, this remains an attractive financing measure. Yet interest rates are rising globally and this will lead to an increase in lease rate along with stricter requiremen­ts for margins and maintenanc­e reserves. For financing options in India including working capital and term loans, banks are wary to lend to this sector given the unstable EBITDAs and aggressive competitio­n. The current challenges at Jet Airways coupled with weak airline balance sheet, is cause for concern and further exacerbate­s the situation. The alternate is dollar-denominate­d debt, but that carries with it currency risk. The forecast strength of the dollar is also a factor that has to be carefully considered. Interestin­gly, several airlines are using sale and leaseback proceeds as sources of working capital which in the medium and long term, is not a sustainabl­e propositio­n.


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 ??  ?? With the forecast capacity addition, fare wars will continue to be intense and a focus on costs will be critical to growth
With the forecast capacity addition, fare wars will continue to be intense and a focus on costs will be critical to growth
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