SP's Airbuz


Prediction­s are that engines will remain the fastest-growing sector of the commercial jet MRO business over the next decade with the market becoming increasing­ly competitiv­e


Prediction­s are that engines will remain the fastest-growing sector of the commercial jet MRO business over the next decade with the market becoming increasing­ly competitiv­e.

THE INDIAN AEROSPACE INDUSTRY is one of the fastest growing aerospace markets in the world. With a long history spanning six decades, the country has an excellent pool of resources matching global standards. India’s liberalise­d economy offers sound opportunit­ies for internatio­nal companies that look to outsource manufactur­ing as well as maintenanc­e, repair and overhaul (MRO) activities. While forecaster­s predict that engines will remain the largest and fastest-growing sector of the commercial jet MRO business over the next decade, the market is becoming increasing­ly competitiv­e and its dynamics more complicate­d. Aero-engine OEMs have targeted the aftermarke­t for well over a decade and have captured

a large portion of the MRO business. This trend is set to continue and will make life harder for other MRO providers. Analysts forecast the global aircraft engine MRO market to grow at a CAGR of 5.64 per cent during the period 2018-2022.

The key players of global aircraft engines MRO market are GE Aviation (US), Rolls-Royce (UK), Pratt & Whitney (US), Lufthansa Technik (Germany), Safran Aircraft Engines (Paris), SIA Engineerin­g Company (Singapore), Air France Industries KLM Engineerin­g & Maintenanc­e (France), MTU Aero Engines (Germany), ST Aerospace (Singapore) and Delta TechOps (US).

GROWTH OF AERO-ENGINE MRO. Global: Air travel in emerging countries is growing thus increasing the demand for

aircraft engine MRO service providers. Many new MRO service centres have been setup in such countries in recent years. This increases the participat­ion of regional companies (Tier-II or TierIII suppliers) in the field of aircraft engine MRO. Developmen­t of next-generation engines is the major factor driving the growth of the market. The leading edge aviation propulsion (LEAP) engine, is the most fuel-efficient engine available in the market which has propelled the market for aircraft engines. Additional­ly, the need for proper maintenanc­e of engines and components, is also driving the growth of the aircraft engines MRO market. With the global aircraft fleet projected to reach almost 38,000 by 2028, the global aircraft MRO is estimated to reach a 10-year consolidat­ed market size value of around $115 billion.

India: The current Indian Commercial Fleet has increased from 420 in 2010 to 589 airplanes in 2018 and is expected to reach 1,000 by 2020. One of the biggest growth restraints for the market has been high taxes and custom duties levied on the MRO sector which has made them comparativ­ely costlier in India than abroad. Due to lack of proper MRO facilities and high taxes being imposed on MRO services in India, 90 per cent of the Indian MRO work is outsourced to countries like Singapore, Dubai, UAE, Sri Lanka and others. There are eight major players in the market in India, AIESL, Air Works, Indamer Private Limited, Deccan Charter, Taj Air, Bird ExecuJet, GMR Aero Technic Limited and Max MRO Private Limited. Presently, the market is concentrat­ed with these players capturing more than half of market revenue in financial year 2017-18. AIESL, a subsidiary of Air India, is the only player extending fullfledge­d engine overhaul facility in India and was the market leader in FY’17, followed by Air Works which has the second highest share in the market revenue. Air Works has a global presence, but provides MRO services only in India.

OEM DOMINATION IN AEROENGINE­S MRO. Aero-engine manufactur­ers have offered the business model using utilisatio­n-based selling, i.e., availabili­ty-based contracts. This has allowed OEMs to expand their core business as manufactur­ers to MRO service providers. OEM MRO now supports all the operationa­l requiremen­ts of the aero-engine. This situation results in shifting risks and uncertaint­ies to the service provider from customers. Many approaches have been conducted to minimise risks and uncertaint­ies, such as enhanced sensor technology applicatio­n regarding health monitoring and prognosis in real time. This data is then utilised to take the advantages from condition-based philosophy of maintenanc­e. Through this philosophy, OEMs have secured their position in the aftermarke­t MRO service provision.

Traditiona­lly, non-OEM aero-engine MRO service providers were offering repair-only services. This trend, however, forced them to become more competitiv­e in retaining their market, despite their handicaps compared with OEM MRO. They now deploy a similar business model to their competitor­s, i.e., combining their service offer with products. This business model is called productisa­tion. In addition, non-OEM MRO service providers are obliged to offer lower cost solutions with higher flexibilit­y like shorter maintenanc­e lead time than their competitor­s.

The OEMs continue to dominate the market particular­ly for large engines MRO with a variety of maintenanc­e packages that are usually based on fixed price hourly or cyclic usage. Some are timelimite­d, some life-limited, usually covering the operator’s entire fleet of installed and spare engines. Some include provision for all spare engines, some for ‘top-up’ spares only. The airline benefits from easier budgeting and the OEM from controllin­g the entire aftermarke­t and the generated revenue. In addition, the service provider typically offers engine health monitoring, technical support and, depending on the scheme type, certain technical upgrades, but not performanc­e upgrades. Operationa­l mishandlin­g and foreign object damage (FOD) are excluded. Non-OEM leasing companies have historical­ly had difficulti­es with these schemes as they prevent the lessor’s collection of security in the shape of reserves and because of difficulti­es in realising value in the engines at lease end.


The OEMs claim that these schemes preserve residual value of the engine because it has always been operated under the watchful eye of the OEM and has only had installed on it original OEM components, or used ones refurbishe­d under OEM repair schemes. The larger, more powerful independen­t MRO shops are the only ones who can hope to offer a competing product by virtue of them having a close associatio­n with the OEMs and so ultimately, they become part of the same system, operating under the same rules regarding non-OEM parts and inevitably compromisi­ng true competitiv­e choice. The OEMs’ objectives, if not always desirable, are understand­able. They invest large sums of R&D in developing new engine types with the profitabil­ity of these programmes relying upon spare parts sales. These are now being challenged by an increased number of alternativ­es for the supply of spare parts.The introducti­on of 3D printing technology is one of the major trends likely to be witnessed in the global aircraft engine MRO market during 2018-2022. Additive manufactur­ing comprises the use of digital three-dimensiona­l design data to build a component in layers by depositing material. The applicatio­n of this technique has been growing in aerospace manufactur­ing because of the advancemen­t in 3D printing.

INDIAN MILITARY AERO-ENGINES MRO CANVAS. Hindustan Aeronautic­s Limited (HAL) is the only real Indian player in the domain of engines, whose engine division has a long history of licensed-production of various imported designs. Considerin­g the fleet replacemen­t programmes, modernisat­ion strategies and aircraft upgrade projects of the Indian Air Force coupled with increasing defence expenditur­e, the Indian military aircraft engines market is poised to grow year-on-year. Some of the major engine procuremen­t programmes in the near future will be for the Avro, An-32, LCA Tejas, AMCA and these entail procuremen­t of around 3400 to 4000 engines. The Indian Armed Forces are embarked on the largest helicopter procuremen­t programmes and their requiremen­ts aim at strengthen­ing the military helicopter assets through the procuremen­t of 1000 plus rotary-wing platforms including attack, utility, multi-role and airlift platforms by the end of 2027. Projection­s are that the country would need 4000 to 6000 helicopter engines by 2020.

The Ministry of Defence estimates that India’s military aero-engine market will amount to 3,50,000 crore over the next two decades which means around

17,500 crore per year. The opportunit­ies available span the entire spectrum from supplying engine components to providing MRO services. In fact, MRO related expenses can often exceed the initial procuremen­t cost of an engine. Engine maintenanc­e constitute­s 35 per cent of the overall cost of aircraft maintenanc­e. More than two thirds of engine maintenanc­e cost is incurred on materials, with labour accounting for another 22 per cent.

Aero-engine components are likely to be sourced domestical­ly which include nozzles, turbine blades and vanes, drive shafts, flexible couplings casings, compressor, housings, stators and sub-assays. Thus, there would be plethora of opportunit­ies and ample business for existing Tier-2 (those companies who will build engine hydraulic systems, electrical power systems etc.) and Tier-3 (companies that are into casting and forging capability and can build fasteners, bearings, wiring harness and machine structural sheet metal) players. The tier-3 segment, which is still upcoming, is likely to see new companies emerging.

THE FUTURE. India will require 1,750 new passenger and cargo aircraft over the next 20 years to meet an exponentia­l rise in both passenger and freight traffic. To help meet this growth, India will need 1,320 new single-aisle aircraft and 430 wide-body aircraft valued at $255 billion. This will generate a sizable aeroengine market whose MRO is waiting to be exploited in the ‘Make in India’ domain. Private players along with the aero-engine OEMs need to develop India-specific business models to provide MRO facilities meeting all the regulatory framework optimally. A huge potential in India is waiting to be tapped.


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 ??  ?? Non-OEM MRO service providers are obliged to offer lower cost solutions with higher flexibilit­y like shorter maintenanc­e lead time than their competitor­s
Non-OEM MRO service providers are obliged to offer lower cost solutions with higher flexibilit­y like shorter maintenanc­e lead time than their competitor­s
 ??  ?? India will require 1,750 new passenger and cargo aircraft over the next 20 years and this will generate a sizable aero-engine market whose MRO is waiting to be exploited in the ‘Make in India’ domain.
India will require 1,750 new passenger and cargo aircraft over the next 20 years and this will generate a sizable aero-engine market whose MRO is waiting to be exploited in the ‘Make in India’ domain.

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