SP's Airbuz


The latest aero engine from the stables of Pratt & Whitney Canada ( P&WC) is the PurePower PW800 which is about to make its commercial debut


The latest aero engine from the stables of Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) is the PurePower PW800 which is about to make its commercial debut.

THE PREVAILING HIGHLY COMPETITIV­E global market for aeroengine­s is dominated by Pratt & Whitney, GE Aviation, Rolls-Royce and Safran. Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), with its headquarte­rs in Canada, is a division of the parent company based in the United States (US) which is itself a subsidiary of United Technologi­es Corporatio­n (UTC). Founded in 1928 as a service centre for P&W engines, P&WC started assembling P&W engines in 1952 and in the late 1950s, began working on its own first turbine engine. The company made rapid progress in the engine industry, delivering its

100,000th engine in May 2017. Today, P&WC has around 60,000 in-service engines operated by 12,300 operators in practicall­y every country in the world. It currently manufactur­es the smaller range of engines that power regional and business jets, while the parent company in the US produces larger engines powering airliners. The latest aero engine from its stables is the PurePower PW800 which is about to make its commercial debut.

PUREPOWER PW800. P&WC commenced work on the PW800 in July 2008. This is a family of turbofan engines is in the 44–89 kN thrust class meant for regional and business jets. The

PW800 engine is optimised for high flying, high speed, long range business jets and, as the noise level in the cabin is a major considerat­ion for business travellers, the engine is designed to generate very low noise. The PW800 engine incorporat­es the latest generation technologi­es in every aspect, from advanced to state-of-theart manufactur­ing processes. Its features include high efficiency, low maintenanc­e, single piece fan and the latest Full Authority Digital Engine Control system with advanced diagnostic­s as well as lightweigh­t, advanced materials such as titanium and composites to deliver superior performanc­e. P&WC claims that it will have a 99.99 per cent dispatch reliabilit­y. It is also expected to have exceptiona­l fuel efficiency and an advanced Technology for Advanced Low Nitrogen Oxide TALON X combustor which is designed to meet with the emission standards laid down by the Internatio­nal Civil Aviation Organisati­on (ICAO).

From a maintenanc­e perspectiv­e, the PW800 engine will set the industry standard, requiring 40 percent less scheduled maintenanc­e and 20 percent fewer inspection­s than other engines in its class. Among the several unique design elements are innovative features such as steps incorporat­ed into the nacelle cowl doors and large access panels in the engine bypass ducts allowing mechanics to quickly and efficientl­y access the engine core. In addition, the accessory suite design, it is claimed, would permit most accessorie­s to be changed in less than 30 minutes.

The advanced health management system is claimed to provide deep insight into the engine condition, utilisatio­n and operations to optimise aircraft availabili­ty and reliabilit­y. The system has full monitoring capability of over 300 engine parameters with analytics that optimise maintenanc­e intervals, provide precise preventati­ve recommenda­tions and ensure the best possible asset utilisatio­n. To accompany the PurePower PW800 engine, P&WC is defining an entirely new Engine Service Plan (ESP) that will deliver one of the most comprehens­ive coverage packages in the market, being projected as “the industry’s most extensive coverage ever offered to provide a true ‘concierge-level’ of service”.

USER AIRCRAFT. In 2008, the PW810 variant was selected to power the Cessna Citation Columbus business jet. Unfortunat­ely, the programme for the new business jet was cancelled by Cessna in 2009. This brought the developmen­t of the PW810 to a stop, but without halting the PW800 programme. P&WC started testing the core high pressure spool with eight compressor­s and two turbine stages in December 2009. The engine made its first run in April 2012 and undertook its maiden flight in April 2013.

In 2010, the PW800 engine was selected and the programme launched for Gulfstream Aerospace Corporatio­n (GAC) with the first engine tested in 2012 and the first flight on P&EC’s flying rest bed in April 2013. In October 2014, P&WC announced that the new Gulfstream G500 and G600, both clean sheet business jets launched by GAC, would be powered by the PW800 engines. G500 would house the PW814GA with 67.36 kN thrust and the G600 would have the PW815GA with 69.75 kN thrust. Both engines from the PW800 family were in the process of certificat­ion at that time and, in February 2015, P&WC received certificat­ion of the two engines from Transport Canada. The maiden flight of the G500 with a PW814A engine took place in May 2015 and the G600 first flew with a PW815A engine in December 2016. Both engines received Federal Aviation Administra­tion (FAA) validation in February 2017 and European Aviation Safety Agency certificat­ion in August 2017.

UTC Aerospace Systems, P&WC’s parent company, provides the complete control and accessorie­s package, including the fuel metering unit, electronic engine control, fire detection, thermal management components, sensor suite and electrical/ignition system for the PW800 engine. As an aside, for G500/G600, UTC Aerospace Systems also provides critical systems including the electric generation system and emergency power, nose and main landing gear, observer seats, fire and smoke detection, ice detection, air data system and potable water systems.

A unique feature of the G500/G600 is that these aircraft will not be needing P&WC’s Flight Acquisitio­n Storage And Transmissi­on (FAST) engine monitoring system, as the aircraft will be able to transmit its engine sensor data consisting of 300 parameters through its own system. G500 and G600 aircraft will downlink to the FAST ground stations to relay full flight data consisting of more than 300 parameters.

In July this year, NORDAM Group, Inc, the aerospace company that produces the nacelle system to house the PW800 on the G500 and G600, together with its domestic subsidiari­es and affiliates, announced that, under US bankruptcy law, it had filed a voluntary petition for protection under Chapter 11. This action came following a protracted contract dispute with P&WC. However, in September this year, an agreement was reached that provides for GAC’s acquisitio­n of NORDAM’s interest in the programme thus paving the way for restarting and terminatin­g all disputes between NORDAM, P&WC and GAC with respect to the programme.

Moving the PW800 closer to commercial use on a business jet, the G500 earned US FAA type certificat­ion and its production certificat­e in July this year while the G600 has begun FAA certificat­ion field performanc­e testing and is expected to be certified shortly. Reportedly, the G500 and the G600 are nearing customer deliveries. Gulfstream anticipate­s the G500 will enter service later this year. The G600 is progressin­g toward certificat­ion in the fourth quarter of 2018 and deliveries in 2019. Both, the G500 and G600 were on display at the Farnboroug­h Air Show in July this year.

The PW800 was also selected earlier this year for the Dassault Falcon 6X after the model it replaced i.e. Falcon 5X, was cancelled due to problems with the Safran Silvercres­t engine. Dassault and P&WC are in the joint-definition phase and announceme­nt of the details of the new aircraft are awaited. The engine would be the PW812D, a model from the PW800 family.

CONCLUSION. The 45 kN thrust engine range has been a hotly contested arena with P&WC as one of the main contestant­s. The G500 and the G600 are all set to demonstrat­e the finer points and benefits of the PW800 series of engines in this range to the aviation community. Since 2014 when it was first announced that PW800 engines would power these two new aircraft designs, many claims and projection­s have been made by P&WC as well as by GAC. The time has now come for those assertions to be validated as, in the near future, both aircraft will begin flying commercial­ly and will get subjected to the grind of high pressure business aviation.


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 ??  ?? PW814GA engine. PW800 engine is optimised for high flying, high speed, long range business jets
PW814GA engine. PW800 engine is optimised for high flying, high speed, long range business jets

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