SP's Airbuz



Speaking to the media on January 15, 2019 at the Global Aviation Summit 2019, organised jointly by the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Airports Authority of India and FICCI, Suresh Prabhu, Minister of Civil Aviation said that the government was working on a blueprint for the domestic manufactur­ing of aircraft and also looking at financing from within the country by domestic players. He also emphasised on carrying out of maintenanc­e, repair and overhaul (MRO) work domestical­ly. Stating that the country needs 2,300 new aircraft to meet the future air travel demand, he said, “We would like to join hands with top players from across the globe.” “We are already working on financing of aircraft and how that should happen from India. We are losing out lot of resources to outsiders,” Prabhu said. Prabhu warned that if MRO work is not carried out in the country then the government will be losing lot of money, besides job opportunit­ies. He said the domestic passenger traffic has been growing at 17 to 18 per cent, adding the government is also now focusing on cargo and has for the first time unveiled a policy to boost the growth in the segment. Prabhu said the government has recently launched a drone policy and would like to make sure that drone becomes one of the preferred options for many sectors such as agricultur­e and disaster management, among others. “We will make sure that drones are manufactur­ed in the country,” he said.

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