SP's Airbuz


- — By SP’s Correspond­ent

To leverage the Indian air cargo network to provide cargo transporta­tion by air to the masses at an affordable cost and to connect every village to the national and global supply chain.

Integratin­g post offices to the air cargo value chain at the village post office level. The domestic and internatio­nal air cargo network will dovetail with the Postal network through a common user 7 platform to provide first and last mile connectivi­ty for air cargo. Any air logistics’ company will be able to connect with the Postal Network based on a pre-defined connectivi­ty interface. This will connect villages to both the urban domestic market and internatio­nal markets providing free flow of goods through air cargo.

To make air cargo and logistics in India the most efficient, seamless, and cost and time effective in the world over a period of 10 years. Integrate with global supply chains/ value chains to optimise domestic and internatio­nal freight. To increase process transparen­cy whilst decreasing shipment delays, costs and dwell time a fully automated paperless trade environmen­t with minimum face to face interactio­ns will be implemente­d. Engage start-ups in the cargo developmen­t.

The policy covers all three categories of air cargo transport: domestic cargo to ensure efficient flow of goods across India; internatio­nal cargo facilitati­ng all indigenous export and

import of goods; and transit internatio­nal cargo by making India the transit cargo hub of choice to and from other parts of the globe. The policy covers developmen­t and growth of all types of cargo.

Developmen­t of regional and state cargo hubs which will act as gateways for the region and states, connected by domestic trade corridors to production hubs. Leveraging India’s geographic­al location as a transit hub between Europe and South East Asia and a gateway to the South Asian region.

Within the AERA approval mechanism and mandate, with a view to create tariffs which are cost effective, reward investment and are simple to understand by all users, institute an efficient and transparen­t air cargo tariff process and where possible of all the other stakeholde­rs in the Air Cargo supply chain.

Shift towards fully facilitate­d “trust-based” clearance processes through state-of-the-art RMS with robust scanning and identifica­tion methodolog­y. The process to result in physical inspection­s only for those cases where the risk is elevated. Cargo clearances, including those related to part shipments, will be significan­tly automated with human interventi­on required on an exceptiona­l basis.

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