SP's Airbuz



The focus is on Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) & Autonomous Operations and above the current limit of 400 feet. Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) flights to be allowed only in a designated Drone Corridor, a segregated airspace to ensure that commercial UAS operations do not interfere with the nonsegrega­ted airspace meant for manned aircraft.

Droneports to be designated to facilitate take-off and landing of the UAS. A UAS Traffic Management to be responsibl­e for managing UAS-induced traffic in the Drone Corridor. The regime of No Permission, No Take-off (NPNT) to continue to provide security from unauthoris­ed flights.

Improved and advanced pilot training methods to be introduced to meet designated profession­al requiremen­ts. Use of algorithms for piloting may be permitted, but only if adequate safety, security and privacy principles are demonstrat­ed in the design of operations. Considerin­g the increased exposure due to commercial operations, UAS operators to have a profession­al liability insurance to cover the cost of legal fees and damages awarded against such operators.

New principles of air worthiness could be introduced to include safety by design, security by design and privacy by design.

Operation should be allowed over civilian airspace after manufactur­ers meet certain standards, and operators prove safety of all stakeholde­rs in designated test zones. For privacy, manufactur­ers required to adhere to a privacy by design stan

dard, eliminatin­g risks of future privacy harms by operators.

100 per cent FDI in UAS and Remotely-piloted Aerial Systembase­d commercial civil aviation services to boost the ‘Make in India’ initiative. Digital Sky Service Providers to provide enabled services to the UAS Operators, Digital Sky Platform, relevant law enforcemen­t authoritie­s and any other stakeholde­rs. — By SP’s Correspond­ent

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