SP's Airbuz



For more and more passengers, being connected in flight is no longer a luxury, it’s a requiremen­t. When they can access work, home, friends and entertainm­ent, the result is a better travel experience. Collins Aerospace’ CabinConne­ctTM wireless inflight connectivi­ty solution allows airlines to keep passengers engaged, entertaine­d, empowered and informed through all phases of flight. Aircraft manufactur­ers have recognized Collins Aerospace for excellence in in-service performanc­e. As the provider of connectivi­ty for more than 20,000 aircraft around the globe, they understand the importance of keeping your aircraft and passengers connected.

Collins Aerospace broadband connectivi­ty, powered by Inmarsat’s Global Xpress (GX) satellite network, provides the first seamless satellite communicat­ions service with greater performanc­e consistenc­y than any aviation global satellite service available today. This advanced designed network, specific for fast mobile users, is generation­s ahead of the complex stitched service networks found with Ku-band service. On offer is the high reliabilit­y of a single operator and network, in addition to the advantage of a more efficient and powerful Ka-band spectrum. Their global GX Ka-band cabin broadband connectivi­ty service is available today for all aircraft types.

They provide a broadband connectivi­ty service that is flexible, scalable and easily upgradeabl­e to meet the needs of airlines today and tomorrow.

The in-flight connectivi­ty solutions, from Collins Aerospace engages the passengers before, during and after their flights, and tailors the travel experience to their unique interests.

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