SP's Aviation



Boeing produced 937 AH-64A Apaches between 1984 and 1997. Some remain in service today, and have:

○ Two high-performanc­e turbo shaft engines and maximum cruise speed of 284 kmph.

○ Laser, infrared, and other systems (including target acquisitio­n designatio­n sight/pilot night vision sensor) to locate, track, and attack targets.

○ A combinatio­n of laser-guided precision Hellfire missiles, 70mm rockets, and a 30mm automatic cannon with up to 1,200 high-explosive, dual-purpose ammunition rounds.

Boeing’s AH-64D Apache and the AH-64D Apache Longbow have numerous enhancemen­ts, including:

○ Longer-range weapons accuracy and all-weather/night fighting.

○ Detection of objects (moving or stationary) without being detected.

○ Classifica­tion and threat-prioritisa­tion of up to 128 targets in less than a minute.

○ Integrated sensors, networking, and digital communicat­ions for situationa­l awareness, management of the combat arena in real time, and digital transmissi­on of images and target locations to joint operations battlefiel­d commanders.

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