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Egypt’s Destiny at the Crossroads

Western countries have repeatedly called for Morsi’s reinstatem­ent. The US has lost standing and become unpopular with all sides. There is nothing that India can say or do which will have the slightest impact on how developmen­ts evolve.

- Ranjit Gupta

Western countries have repeatedly called for Morsi’s reinstatem­ent. The US has lost standing and become unpopular with all sides.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait are absolutely delighted at the overthrow of the hated Muslim Brotherhoo­d

CATCHING THE VIRUS FROM Tunisia, hundreds of thousands of people spontaneou­sly spilled onto the streets of Cairo on January 25, 2011, demanding the overthrow of Muhammad Hosni Mubarak’s 30-yearold autocratic dictatorsh­ip. The Muslim Brotherhoo­d opportunis­tically climbed onto the bandwagon 10 days later but somewhat tentativel­y. The Army could have chosen mass murder but opted to remove Mubarak from office on February 11, 2011. Instead of quickly moving towards a civilian dispensati­on, the Army started ruling directly through the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF). People were back in Tahrir Square demonstrat­ing against them—the people had not got rid of Mubarak to be ruled by the Army. The Army was forced to organise elections.

Despite the Brotherhoo­d’s unparallel­ed ability to mobilise its supporters and deliberate­ly soft pedaling its assertive Islamic persona before and during the election campaign, in the first round of the presidenti­al elections the voter turnout was a low 46 per cent of which Mohamed Morsi secured only 24.78 per cent, with Brotherhoo­d votes falling from six out of ten in the parliament­ary elections to four in ten now. Later only 32.9 per cent of the electorate voted in the referendum approving the new Constituti­on the Islamists had drafted securing an underwhelm­ing 63.8 per cent. These percentage­s were a clear indicator of the popular mood and suggested caution and introspect­ion rather than celebratio­n.

Eighty-five-year-old and persecuted most of its life, the Brotherhoo­d found itself catapulted as a ruler, dramatical­ly breaking away from its traditiona­l role of agitator, assassin, insurgent and opponent. The Brotherhoo­d failed to capitalise on this historic opportunit­y by pushing its Islamist agenda for which people had almost explicitly denied a mandate. Morsi’s whimsical, increasing­ly autocratic and inept rule ignoring a steeply declining economy, resulted in crowds significan­tly larger than when anti-Mubarak protests took place, demanding his ouster.

All this clearly indicates that despite 91 per cent of Egypt’s population being Muslim, people do not want an Islamic state but good governance. People had not got rid of Mubarak and later the SCAF to live under an Islamist dictatorsh­ip. They want true democracy. Raw ‘people power’ had won thrice against heavy odds, exhibiting that the country’s political landscape has changed dramatical­ly, perhaps irrevocabl­y.

Assembling impressive support from civil and political society across the spectrum, Army Chief General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi announced the removal of the Morsi Government on July 3 and a roadmap for transition to an elected government within the next nine months. A revised constituti­on is being drafted. The Army is clearly calling the shots. Large posters showing Sisi with Nasser are ubiquitous all over Cairo. There is growing suspicion that the Army intends to wield power for the longer term, but unlike during the SCAF interlude, this time from behind a civilian facade. My hunch is that people are unlikely to allow any long-term Army rule.

Following Morsi’s ouster, protests by thousands of Brotherhoo­d supporters for almost eight weeks elicited a brutal crackdown by the Army and retaliatio­n by the protestors resulting in over 1,000 deaths. The detention of its top leadership, initiation of cases against them which could result in harsh punishment including death penalties, continuing arrests of its members and supporters, confiscati­on of their assets, closing their TV stations, have been deeply polarising decisions. The Brotherhoo­d should call off further protests in its own interest and Egypt’s interests as well and join in the national dialogue process.

The transition­al administra­tion has announced its intention to revoke the Brotherhoo­d’s registrati­on as a non-government­al organisati­on. This is a particular­ly retrograde step. Even though the Muslim Brotherhoo­d behaved irresponsi­bly while in power, its involvemen­t in the country’s political landscape provided legitimacy to the democracy movement; sending it undergroun­d would lead to dangerous radicalisa­tion of huge numbers of people. Political Islam cannot be put back into the bottle.

All this has led to a global focus on the stand-off between the Army and the Muslim Brotherhoo­d. The fact is that both these entities have been playing a cynical tactical game to gain upper hand, using, but then sidelining, the extremely significan­t third player— the common people. Egypt is now witnessing a no holds barred contest between Muslims and Islamists being played out in public— unpreceden­ted for a Muslim country. The Army should not be the arbiter. Given Egypt’s influence and standing, the outcome holds profound implicatio­ns for the Arab world.

Given the deepening divides, the uncertaint­y of the Army’s intentions and of reactions of the masses, and continuing instabilit­y, is likely to be the norm in the foreseeabl­e future. Given these complexiti­es, for Egypt’s sake, the internatio­nal community needs to support whatever stand the people take.

Internatio­nal Implicatio­ns

Egypt is too big and strong for foreign countries to get intrusivel­y involved as they had done in Libya and Syria.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait are absolutely delighted at the overthrow of the hated Muslim Brotherhoo­d. They have promised $4 billion each as aid. The Saudi Foreign Minister has publicly pledged to fill the gap should Western countries suspend or cancel their economic and military aid. Egypt has threatened that should this happen, it would turn to Russia.

Other countries pleased with the outcome are Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Russia and Syria—otherwise enemies on the same side! Can it get more complicate­d? Sisi sent Assad, who has been the major gainer, a return gift by expelling the Syrian National Alliance from Cairo.

Turkey and Tunisia have been strongly critical. Iran has been equivocal. Hamas, Qatar and Turkey are the biggest losers. Cairo’s Al-Jazeera bureau has been closed.

Western countries have repeatedly called for Morsi’s reinstatem­ent but have little leverage to make that happen. The US has lost standing and become unpopular with all sides. There is nothing that India can say or do which will have the slightest impact on how developmen­ts evolve. Making any substantiv­e statement taking sides would be counterpro­ductive. Like the great Third World behemoth, China, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs has made a judiciousl­y anodyne statement calling for all parties to exercise restraint.

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 ?? PHOTOGRAPH: Wikipedia ?? An Egyptian protester during the 2011 Egyptian revolution holding
the Egyptian flag
PHOTOGRAPH: Wikipedia An Egyptian protester during the 2011 Egyptian revolution holding the Egyptian flag

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