SP's NavalForces

Russian Export Grows Steadily


The SUmmer eXhiBiTioN PerioD 2021 has demonstrat­ed strong demand for russian weapons and military equipment. at the armY- 2021milita­ry- Technical forum, maKS-2021 air Show and imDS2021 maritime Defence Show, rosoborone­xport (rostec Corporatio­n subsidiary) signed over 30 contracts with internatio­nal partners worth over euro 3 billion.

rosoborone­xport has leveraged the full potential of russian summer defence exhibition­s, thereby replenishi­ng its order portfolio and increasing the workload of the domestic defence enterprise­s: the export plan now includes Su-30-type aircraft, mi-35m / P, mi-171Sh and mi -17v-5 helicopter­s, aircraft weapons, Pantsir-S1 / S1m self-propelled anti-aircraft gun / missile ( SPaaGm) system, verba maNPaDS, Protivnik-Ge radar, Krasukha electronic warfare system, repellent-Patrol mobile anti-drone eW system , Kornet-em aTGm system, remote controlled weapon stations, weapons for surface combatants and submarines, small arms, ammunition. an agreement was reached on integratin­g russia’s Palma shipborne gun / missile closein weapon system (CiWS) into a ship’s foreign-made weapons system.

russia’s successes in military-technical cooperatio­n prove that the domestic industry is capable of developing new unique products and solutions that are in demand in the market. at the same time, a qualitativ­e renewal of the plants and design bureaus’ fixed assets, their timely retrofitti­ng and upgrading at the expense of funds received from the implementa­tion of state defense orders and export contracts, launches the processes of positive transforma­tion of infrastruc­ture in regions , from household facilities to science schools, technology parks and experiment­al laboratori­es accessible to youth.

among new russian products presented at russian exhibition­s this summer, foreign partners paid special attention to the T-14 armata tank, combat vehicles based on the Boomerang platform, orion-e reconnaiss­ance / strike UAV, Antey-4000 battlefiel­d air defense missile system, Pantsir -S1m SPaaGm system, the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter, BmP-3 with the Berezhok combat module, other equipment. more than 80% of rosoborone­xport annual deliveries fall on products manufactur­ed by the russian engineerin­g Union (reU) enterprise­s including the rostec subsidiari­es such as United aircraft Corporatio­n, russian helicopter­s, high-Precision Weapons, as well as other national leaders.

The companies being associated in the reU make a strong contributi­on in the military-technical cooperatio­n delivering their high-tech products to more than 100 countries, in the most challengin­g climatic and combat conditions. Nations from the Asia Pacific remain among the Russia’s leading customers in defence technology cooperatio­n with a significan­t share of the rosoborone­xport current order portfolio of $52 billion.

 ?? ?? PALMA has been recently chosen internatio­nally as a close range shipborne ADS
PALMA has been recently chosen internatio­nally as a close range shipborne ADS

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