Storizen Magazine


Anuradha Prasad in talks with Storizen team

- Sana Shekh is a young and dynamic writer who is currently pursuing MASTERS OF CYBER LAW AND INFORMATIO­N SECURITY from NLIU, Bhopal. Being born and brought up in Bhopal, she has always been close to nature. With an anthology to her credit, she likes to rev

- Sana Shekh

When did you realize you wanted to be a writer?

I just remember writing from my childhood. So I guess, I was always writing. Yes, to write a book I decided 4 years back.

Tell me something about your first book.

My first book is all about sudden chances that life throws at you. It’s about discoverin­g a hidden talent by fluke. It’s about getting inspired and following your dreams.

What really inspired you to write this story?

Writing I guess is an addiction. At least it is for me.

It’s like playing, running, swimming or gambling or taking drugs. Just kidding. But in a good way, it gives me a all time high. Writing in itself for me is inspiratio­n. I get inspired through writing. Though the other way round happens sometimes. I feel inspired about something then write about it. But it is almost always the previous.

How was your overall experience of becoming a published author.

My experience was pretty smooth.

Do you think in the age of digitalisa­tion the physical books are losing their importance over kindle ?

The pleasure of reading a real book, nobody can take it away from the people. Personally I feel real books were there for a long time and they will for a long time to come. Though Kindle happens a lot, real books are real.

They are a part of real people who want a real experience. It will take a long,long time for the digital books to supersede the real ones.

What do you think about the future of Indian writing ?

Indian writing is happening big time. It’s the time of Renaissanc­e for Indian publishing industry and for Indian writers. A great time that will lead to a great future .

Tell us about your upcoming ventures.

I am working on my fourth book. Doing a bit of study and also I am renewing my sketching abilities. Planning to compile into a book


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Anuradha Prasad with her book'Coming Back Home'
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