Storizen Magazine

Impact of struggling work - home life balance in today's generation

- - Abhrekha Jain Sahlot

“Juggling is an illusion. ... In reality,

the balls are being independen­tly caught and thrown in rapid succession. ... It is actually task switching.” ― Gary Kelle

“Juggling is an illusion. ... In reality, the balls are being independen­tly caught and thrown in rapid succession. ... It is actually task switching.” ― Gary

Kelle. This quote rightly defines many of our day to day life cycles. We are the generation capable of doing many things at once, without enjoying any of them or understand­ing the real purpose. I stay in Mumbai and see people working non-stop, 24 by 7, day in and day out Extremely talented people and best brains.. but find most of them just running from one end to another, boarding one train from another… unaware of their real destinatio­n.. just being part of the crowd.. left to right.. right to left… Life is not only about running and achieving goals, one should not only survive but start living. The justificat­ion which we give for this over busy life and over work addiction is primarily to earn livelihood and save some

“Extra earned money/assets”

for our children. Have we stopped once and thought that the time we are spending away from our family and children for work is more precious than the “Extra” money we earn? Will the childhood come back? Children requires toys or parents? Could a maid or care taker ever replace a parent? Does life give us many chances? Have we decided on some threshold? The maximum limit where we would be content and stay happy with what we have or the needs would continue growing? Agreed that with changing times and competitiv­e work environmen­ts we need to perform distinctly from peers, in order to achieve success, in

order to have a better lifestyle , we have to slog more than usual. But this is a vicious circle, you invest your health to work overtime and earn money and then you invest your money to get your health back. (Please note sometimes even all money cannot get your health back ) similar to the time and happiness you had missed away from your loved ones. In today’s time, one needs to be really smart, with advent of technology and automation era, we need to improvise our working style and discover mechanisms to outsource/delegate some work to take some time off for your own self. Please note you cannot be BEST at everything, you need to deliver your BEST in your capacity.

Also, do not try to unnecessar­y please people, as you can fool some people sometime, but you cannot fool all the people all the times! Therefore, work honestly with commitment, your hard work and honesty would be respected and valued sooner or later. Never give up, try exploring, what different you can do and how differentl­y you can do. Innovate, think and be mindful, understand your life in depth, be alert of your actions.

Try to do some impact analysis and try not to reduce your work but optimize.

Taking my example, I took a less challengin­g role at office post my kids were born, while I did not want to lose my financial independen­ce, I wanted to enjoy my motherhood too at the same time. Some proactive planning and thoughtful mindset enabled me to attend all office meetings as well all events at children’s school. I became good in stake holder management. 24 hours were

enough for me

To work, play with my children, cook & pursue my hobbies. While the life was moving, children were growing, I never stopped living, I always could manage and take out time for my hobbies and stay motivated. Remember being content is the key! As I always summarize with the disclaimer, that my suggestion­s may not be the best, as each one to their own, however one tip I strongly recommend to everyone I meet is to consciousl­y stay happy.

And that can happen only when someone is happy from inside. reduce screen time and posing fake to the world showing your happiness.. as Happiness is not to be shown but to be FELT! I wish all the readers a happy and healthy life, and request them to take a moment and think what they are doing and what they really want to do? Things are easier said than done, but please try...

Think & ACT ! Meet Abhrekha Jain Sahlot, the name is derivative of her parent’s name ( Abhay & Rekha). She is full of life, energy and enthusiasm. A gold medalist computer engineer she has been working with top MNC for over 13 years now.

Blessed with an incredible supportive family, Husband Tushar Sahlot stands behind her as the strongest pillar of strength, shoulderin­g equal responsibi­lities at home. A doting mother of 2 boys ( Nabhanyu & Daksh Sahlot), life has given her various opportunit­ies to explore and she seems to have taken best of everything. From singing, painting to acting, swimming and basketball, she has been into various co-curricular activities from artistic ones to the sports ones.

However, currently, she enjoys sharing her blessings with fellow women by addressing women and parenting forums and helping women in her capacity and spread message & the importance of being happy & content

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