Storizen Magazine

The Invincible Power Lies In Her

- - Aparna Mukherjee

From the image of clay, Comes out the incredible portray, Of a radiant face and bright eyes,

With a vibrant glorious smile.

She is Goddess Durga,

She is the creator and destructor,

All the power of the universe lies in her,

To her children on earth,

She bestows all her love and care.

She eradicates the demon of negativity, Blesses all, her sublime divine beauty,

On earth when steps she,

Takes care of all her devotee.

Echoes the sounds of temple bells, There lightens up the candle flames, Everyone showers flowers on Her feet, When our Mother takes Her golden seat.

Chants of sacred words, can be heard all around,

Songs in Her praise, Everywhere surrounds.

With her ferocious looks, She appears, Riding on Her lion, with weapons in Her arms, She comes to put an end to the tormentors, With her invincible power,

She extirpates all fear.

In a few words, Aparna defines a woman who beholds high aspiration­s and firmly believes in expanding her horizon. She holds a Master degree in English from Mumbai University. By profession, she is an online content writer and blogger who writes informativ­e articles for various UK and US blogs and websites.

Her poems got published in the digital Reflection Magazine and in the Indian literature website named Facestory' She is a budding author too. Her first story on romantic theme got published in a book named "Memoirs Of Love".

As a person, she is open-minded, down-to-earth and amiable in nature. Her world revolves around creativity. She wishes to make her mark in the literary world, hoping to leave an indelible imprint on her readers' minds.

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