The Asian Age



Jammu: The J& K government will constitute a SIT of the police to probe the alleged antination­al activities of Kashmiri separatist Ghulam Nabi Fai and others in the state which could lead to issuance of red corner notices against them.

YUSUF JAMEEL and NAMRATA BIJI AHUJA The Jammu and Kashmir police on Saturday announced to constitute a Special Investigat­ion Team ( SIT) to probe the alleged anti- national activities of Ghulam Nabi Fai, a US- based Kashmiri activist who was sentenced to two years in prison by a US court last month on charges of illegally working for Pakistani intelligen­ce agency ISI. This could lead to possible issuance of red corner notice again him. The SIT may also be asked to investigat­e activities of some other overseas Kashmiri separatist­s and their associates and other contacts back home.

The ISI not only pumped money into Fai’s front organisati­on for lobbying in the US about Kashmir, but also helped him muster support of outfits and some political leaders in the Valley, senior government officials said. Government sources said Fai’s close links with some separatist leaders in J& K as well as outfits lobbying for “self- determinat­ion” for Kashmir will come under the SIT’S scrutiny. Fai’s involvemen­t in “terror financing” by routing the money to the Hizbul Mujahidden cadres in J& K is expected to be probed by the SIT. Investigat­ors will also probe whether any money was used to support the families of terrorists in the Valley. J& K DGP Kuldeep Khoda told reporters in Jammu Saturday that the SIT was being constitute­d under the SSP of central district Budgam where a warrant issued against Fai under the tough Public Safety Act by a local magistrate way back on August 4, 1980 for his allegedly being involved in anti- national activities remains unexecuted because of his absence from the country.

“We’re constituti­ng a SIT today under SSP, Budgam, to carry forward cases of those, including Fai, who figured in various anti- national crimes — anti- national cases or activities connected with our state,” the police chief said.

The announceme­nt was made on a day when a partial strike against Fai’s conviction by the US court was observed in the Valley in response to a call issued by separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani.

 ??  ?? A Kashmiri girl rides a cycle outside a closed market in Srinagar on Saturday.
A Kashmiri girl rides a cycle outside a closed market in Srinagar on Saturday.

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