The Asian Age

No structured agenda for one- on- one


The dossiers given by the ministry of home affairs to the Prime Minister’s Office also contain the names of “state actors” in Pakistan who were behind 26/ 11 as well as all material evidence linked to the Mumbai terror attacks.

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari is to land at the Palam Air Force Station here at about 11.45 am on Sunday and will head straight for the PM’S 7, Race Course Road residence for what is being described by government sources as a “one- on- one meeting” with the PM for which “there is no structured agenda“. During the meeting, Mr Zardari is also expected to invite Dr Singh to visit Pakistan by the year- end. Dr Singh, on his part, has said more than once that he would like the outcome to be substantiv­e if he visits Pakistan.

Mr Zardari’s visit, though billed as private — he will be heading to the shrine of Sufi saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer after his meeting and lunch with the PM — is also significan­t in that he will become the first Pakistani head of state to visit India since 2005, when General Pervez Musharraf, the

Mr Zardari’s visit is significan­t in that he will become the first Pakistani head of state since Mr Musharraf to visit India after 2005

then military ruler of Pakistan, had travelled to New Delhi for talks. Accompanyi­ng him will be his son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, as well as some other family members apart from officials.

Officials from the Pakistani side too admit that there is “no agenda for talks but of course all bilateral issues will be discussed”.

As one senior official in the Pakistan President’s office remarked in a lighter vein, “It will be a meeting like a date between two lovers. Everything will be behind the scenes.”

Among these are the “core issues” of Kashmir, Siachen, Sir Creek, watershari­ng and people- to- people contact between the two neighbours.

Ironically, even as India continues to demand that the 26/ 11 culprits be brought to book by Pakistan, Opposition parties in Pakistan led by the Pakistan Muslim League ( Nawaz) and the Pakistan Tehrik- e- Insaf have asked that President Zardari cancel his India visit since New Delhi “is not sincere” about making peace with Pakistan.

During the SinghZarda­ri meeting, India is also expected to raise the issue of ceasefire violations by Pakistan. New Delhi’s concerns about repeated infiltrati­on attempts from across the border in Jammu and Kashmir may also be raised at the SinghZarda­ri meeting.

As regards New Delhi building pressure on Pakistan to bring the 26/ 11 attacks accused to book, a fresh dossier containing the confession of the lone surviving gunman, Ajmal Kasab, the post- mortem reports of the victims and the case diary of the Mumbai attacks case has already been shared with Pakistan during the recent Pakistan judicial commission’s visit.

The recent visit of the judicial commission to record the statements of the key 26/ 11 accused is a significan­t developmen­t as India has now provided additional informatio­n and details relating to the Mumbai terror attack sought by Islamabad.

 ??  ?? The police performs a security drill outside the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer on Saturday, a day before the visit of Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari.
The police performs a security drill outside the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer on Saturday, a day before the visit of Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari.

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