The Asian Age

US FCC proposes new ‘ Net neutrality’ rules


US regulators on Thursday advanced a “net neutrality” proposal that would ban Internet providers from blocking or slowing down access to websites but may let them charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to users.

For four months now, the public can weigh in on the rules proposed by the Federal Communicat­ions Commission ( FCC) in what promises to be an intense tug- of- war between some tech companies and consumer advocates on one side and Republican­s and broadband providers on the other, over the extent to which the agency can regulate Internet traffic.

Dozens protested the vote at the FCC on Thursday as many consumer advocates have rejected FCC chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal that may allow some “commercial­ly reasonable” deals in which content companies could pay broadband providers to prioritise traffic on their networks.

Critics worry the rules would create “fast lanes” for companies that pay up and mean slower traffic for others. Wheeler pledged to use all of his powers to prevent “acts to divide the Internet between ‘ haves’ and ‘ have nots.’”

“I will not allow the national asset of an open Internet to be compromise­d,” Wheeler said. “The prospect of a gatekeeper choosing winners and losers on the Internet is unacceptab­le.”

Consumer advocates want the FCC to instead reclassify Internet providers as utilities, like telephone companies, rather than as the less- regulated informatio­n services they are now. Broadband companies and Republican­s, both in Congress and at the FCC, vehemently oppose the plan.

The advanced proposal seeks comment on benefits of reclassifi­cation, which critics say would throw the industry into legal limbo, discourage investment in network infrastruc­ture and still not prevent pay- for- priority deals. Wheeler’s two fellow Democrats at the FCC expressed misgivings about his proposal, with commission­er Jessica Rosenworce­l saying the FCC moved “too fast to be fair.”

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