The Asian Age

Obama lauds Manmohan ‘ boldness’ in farewell


It shows the measure of the personal respect that US President Barack Obama had for outgoing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, apart from diplomatic niceties of course, that he’s written to the former Indian PM lauding his boldness and vision in strengthen­ing bilateral strategic ties.

Stating that this will have a “long- lasting impact”, the US President has also praised Dr Singh for his resolve to reach out to Pakistan. Praising Dr Singh, Mr Obama wrote that Dr Singh’s vision “showed the path to a stable, peaceful South Asia.”

The US President said that even before he became President, he “greatly admired” Dr Singh’s dedication to alleviate India’s poverty, primarily through economic reforms.

Dr Singh’s efforts to lift millions out of poverty and position India as a global leader too have drawn the US President’s praise.

“While it was a pleasure to talk to you on the phone, I wanted to respond to your thoughtful letter and put in writing my deep appreciati­on for your remarkable two terms in office,” said Mr Obama in his missive to Dr Singh which was in response to the farewell letter the outgoing PM sent him.

“With boldness and vision, during your ten years in office, you challenged our two nations to deepen our defence ties, engage in civil nuclear commerce, expand trade, and collaborat­e on clean energy technology while working through our difference­s,” said the letter to Dr Singh.

“I have tremendous gratitude for the critical role you have played in defining and expanding the strategic partnershi­p between India and the United States,” he further said.

Recalling their associatio­n, Mr Obama said the two had joined to fight terrorism, prevent the proliferat­ion of weapons of mass destructio­n, and promote peace in Afghanista­n.

“We also embarked on substantiv­e, strategic exchanges that have helped shape our shared views of global developmen­ts, allowing us to coordinate and respond more effectivel­y to breaking events,” Mr Obama wrote.

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Manmohan Singh
Barack Obama and Manmohan Singh
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