The Asian Age

‘ Use amethyst for protection’


Sometimes crystal therapy triggers a situation of “healing crisis”, that means all the negativity is pulled out suddenly from the energy body of the person and this might result in discomfort, fever, mood swings etc. This is how the body detoxifies itself. Stay hydrated to make the process easier or remove the crystal if you feel uncomforta­ble.

QDear Nishant, My son is not able to sleep properly at night and usually wakes up in the middle of night screaming with fear.


Dear Chetna,

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that is related to the Third eye and Crown chakra of the human body. These chakras ( energy centers) regulate the flow of energies which helps us sleep better and relax. Also it’s a spiritual stone for meditation and protection against negative energies, so tucking a small piece of energised and a programmed amethyst crystal in the pillow case will help your son sleep better and peacefully. You can also keep a amethyst cluster at his bedside to help him sleep better.

QDear Nishant, Do all crystals need regular cleansing and energising?


Dear Ravi,

Yes, crystals over time lose their positive energies while healing you and absorb your negativiti­es, this is the reason why sometimes you feel heaviness in the crystals and wonder why you aren’t getting any results. Simply because it’s time to cleanse the crystal. Wash it under tap water and sun dry. Sun will recharge its energies and then you can use it again.

The writer is a crystal therapist, spiritual medium and an award winning Psychic Intuitive Trainer. Send in queries with your recent picture and name crystal. deccan@ gmail. com

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