The Asian Age



You hear the horrifying groans. Decaying hands scrabble at the door, trying to find a way in. They want to eat you. You sit down on the sofa, kick your feet up and open a can of Spam. No worries. You’re inside a Zombie Fortificat­ion Cabin from Tiger Log Cabins. All you have to do now is wait in safety and comfort for the zombie apocalypse to blow over, reports CNET. com.

The ZFC- 1 is a log cabin kit designed with the walking dead in mind. The structure consists of three connected buildings. It comes stocked with reinforced slit windows, walls and doors; a barbed- wire surround; an escape hatch on top; and a living room with Xbox, TV and sound system. It comes with an arsenal storage unit to secure your anti- zombie weaponry. There’s also a toilet system, garage, kitchen area with microwave and an upper deck with a full view all around so you can keep an eye out for the oncoming horde. A garden section means you won’t have to take over an abandoned prison to start a small produce farm. The $ 113,000 price tag is for the kit only. It will cost you an additional $ 21,000 to add installati­on, $ 3,000 for security cameras and $ 5,600 for solar panels. Pricing is available on request for adding a water cannon, search lights or flame thrower to the package. There seems to be no option to add on a samurai sword, so you’ll need to provide your own.

One of the cabin’s more notable features is a 10year anti- zombie guarantee. This may be the most brilliant guarantee ever offered on a structure. If for some reason the cabin doesn’t hold up and a zombie ( or 2 or 12) gets inside, chances are the cabin’s owner won’t survive to complain.

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