The Asian Age

‘ Fired from Top Gear, Clarkson turns green’

Commerzban­k sought a solution to Greece’s financial woes, saying finance minister Yanis Varoufakis had proposed a one- off licence fee of 1 euro on European Union users of Pythagoras’ theorem


London: From a supermarke­t putting in trampoline­s for customers to reach the top shelf to prestigiou­s CERN saying it has proved the Force exists, on Wednesday brought April Fool’s spoofs a- plenty.

London’s venerable Royal Albert Hall released an April 1, 1967 letter from its archives protesting “in the strongest conceivabl­e terms” at having The Beatles imply in the song Day in the Life that there were 4,000 holes in its auditorium.

Commerzban­k sought a solution to Greece’s financial woes, saying finance minister Yanis Varoufakis had proposed a one- off licence fee of 1 euro on European Union users of Pythagoras’ theorem.

The resulting revenues from April 1, 570 BC to April 1, 2015 would be 107,443,980,002,362,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000 euro at a compounded interest rate of four per cent, it asserted.

Germany’s Frankfurte­r Allgemeine Zeitung reported that the European Central Bank was opening a restaurant with a view called “Euro Sunset”. It will offer basic fare to cater for poor southern Europeans.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported that famed petrol- head and guru of political incorrectn­ess Jeremy Clarkson, newly fired host of the globally popular Top Gear television show, had joined its drive for fossil fuel divestment.

“Following what he described as a dark night of the soul, Clarkson said he hoped to regain the trust of the British public by dedicating his time and financial resources to sustainabl­e energy, road safety and forging mutual understand­ing and tolerance between people of different cultures and religions,” the newspaper said.

Meanwhile CERN, the European Organisati­on for Nuclear Research, reported on its website the “first unequivoca­l evidence for The Force” using the Large Haldron Collider.

“The Force is what gives a particle physicist his powers,” said CERN theorist Ben Kenobi of the University of Mos Eisley, Tatooine — news that will come as no surprise to fans of Star Wars.

— Reuters

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