The Asian Age

India, Pak & the nuclear threat

It is in India’s interest to work multilater­ally with other global powers to eliminate battlefiel­d nuclear weapons. Its continuanc­e, rather than preventing conflict, is the perfect recipe for a nuclear Armageddon.


use of nuclear weapons of any kind would invite massive retaliatio­n. He also acknowledg­ed that Pakistan was well on its way to developing a submarine- based nuclear capability as a second strike option, thereby completing the nuclear triad.

Gen. Kidwai was rather candid in implicitly acknowledg­ing that Pakistan uses terrorist organisati­ons as an instrument of state policy, though he blamed the Kashmir and Afghanista­n bogey that Pakistan keeps raising to try and justify its actions.

Before contemplat­ing the implicatio­ns of these grandiloqu­ent pronouncem­ents, it would be worth recapitula­ting that Pakistan’s nuclear programme emerged as a consequenc­e of the liberation of East Pakistan as the independen­t nation of Bangladesh. The Pakistani establishm­ent was mortally petrified that if India could dismember their country in two, tomorrow they may split what remained into four. Goaded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the Pakistani nuclear establishm­ent — led by the proliferat­or A. Q. Khan — stole nuclear technology from around the world and succeeded in developing an indigenous capability.

It did not take them long to threaten India. In 1990, the United States picked up intelligen­ce that Pakistan was on the verge of deploying nuclear weapons, prompting the then US deputy national security adviser, Robert Gates, to travel to both Islamabad and New Delhi to urge restraint. Both countries and the dramatis persona involved denied that this was the case. But then, given that neither Pakistan or India declares how many weapons do they have, that was expected. It would be relevant to remember that India had conducted a peaceful nuclear explosion in 1974, when Pakistan’s capabiliti­es were still shrouded in secrecy.

In May 1998, all that changed when both India and Pakistan set off a series of nuclear explosions, freezing the power balance in South Asia into perpetuity. It has never been dissected whether from India’s perspectiv­e those tests made strategic sense as they allowed Pakistan’s nuclear programme to crawl out of the woodwork and blunt the convention­al advantage India had. To even suggest an evaluation is considered blasphemy. The contra argument is, of course, that it merely converted the de facto into de jure.

Coming back to the present, what does Pakistan’s policy of full spectrum deterrence mean for the stability of South Asia and, more specifical­ly, the security of India? To start with, the developmen­t of battlefiel­d- level nuclear weapons and their intermixin­g with convention­al weapons raises the risk of nuclear war, overextend­ed command and control systems leading to oversight, the possibilit­y of a nuclear weapons falling into terrorist hands and the spectre of foolish adventuris­m by an overzealou­s combat commander increases exponentia­lly.

It, therefore, is in India’s interest to work multilater­ally with other global powers to eliminate battlefiel­d nuclear weapons. Its continuanc­e, rather than preventing conflict, is the perfect recipe for a nuclear Armageddon.

Specifical­ly, how must India deal with Shaheen- III and other such capabiliti­es that threaten to counteract India’s massive retaliatio­n philosophy? Should India seriously consider revisiting its “no first use” policy given the ominous developmen­ts in the neighbourh­ood? What would be its implicatio­n qua China that has a similar no first use principle? India’s nuclear deterrent is both a hedge against China as well as Pakistan and the Indian nuclear military programme was a response to Chinese tests at Lop Nur commencing on October 16, 1964.

The other option is to engage bilaterall­y with the Pakistanis on nuclear issues. Would that be interprete­d as a sign of weakness on the part of India or an acknowledg­ement of a reality that has to be managed? At the height of the Cold War, there was a regular interactio­n between the strategic force commanders of the United States and the erstwhile USSR. Notwithsta­nding the “mutually assured destructio­n” doctrine, miss il eflying time between the two Cold War adversarie­s provided a sliver of space to ascertain a launch and interdict it.

However, the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba stood the mutually assured destructio­n doctrine on its head because Cuba is a mere 90 miles from American mainland. If one reviews the literature of the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962, when the US and the USSR were a heartbeat away from a nuclear exchange, what is alarming are the number of dangerous moments catalogued in those 13 days. They range from Soviet submarine commanders calibratin­g a nuclear torpedo for battle readiness to American pilots possessing the ability to drop their thermonucl­ear weapons without seeking a green signal from the ground. The reason why this predicamen­t is germane to India and Pakistan is not only because we are immediate neighbours, but because missile flying time may be three minutes or less.

It, therefore, is important that despite the “off and on talks” between India and Pakistan there must be a full spectrum uninterrup­ted dialogue on nuclear issues between the two. Confidence building measures with regard to the efficacy of command and control systems is an inexorable imperative. The margin of error is non- existent to prevent a nuclear apocalypse. The writer is a lawyer and a former Union minister. The views expressed are personal. Twitter handle @ manishtewa­ri

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