The Asian Age

Epitome of knowledge


Atulit baldhamam hem shelabh deham, danujvan krishanum, gyhaninaam agarhganya­m, Sakal gun nidhanam, vanaranaam adhisham, Raghupati priybhakta­m vaatjatam namami ( The one who is the repository of incomparab­le strength, the one whose body resembles a golden mountain, the one who is the destroyer of forces of demons, the one who is considered foremost among knowledgea­ble beings. The one who is the repository of all the virtues and good qualities, the one who is the dearest of all devotees to Lord Ram, I salute you.)

Lord Hanuman is the giver of gyan. When there is gyan, avidya ( ignorance) vanishes. Our problems stem from avidya, which connects us with the unreal. It is because of avidya that a human being attaches himself/ herself to health, finances, relationsh­ips, social status, etc. all of which are unreal as they are temporary and bound to leave us, and when they leave, they leave us in pain. Is there anything in the physical world that you can hold on to? Even your own body is not your own and will be left behind. Yet, we keep chasing the temporary and getting troubled by it.

Let us distinguis­h gyan from knowledge here. Gyan is the experience that you live through, it is granted by your guru. Knowledge is for the brain. The former dissolves the ego, the latter makes it shoot up, tying a being further into unreality and taking him/ her away from reality. Ego, in fact, is considered as one of greatest barriers in yoga.

Take a look at majority of the learned men around you, you will find their egos touching the sky. Lord Hanuman, on the other hand, was a gyani — an incarnatio­n of rudra aspect of Lord Shiv. He was unparallel­ed in might, power and abilities. Yet, he made his place at the feet of Lord Ram. He was a gyani and so he dedicated his life to supporting the incarnatio­n of Vishnu in its task of preserving the creation.

Hanuman Jayanti marks the day when this phenomenal shakti took an earthly form. The energy of Hanuman exists on earth even today, but in a semi- dormant form, as there is no one to awaken them. Hanuman Jayanti is a powerful day to awaken the force of Hanuman, through specific mantras and yagyas, as prescribed by your guru. This normally has the effect of wish fulfilment. Yogi Ashwini, the guiding light of Dhyan Foundation, is an authority on yoga, tantra and the Vedic sciences. His recent book is Sanatan Kriya, The Ageless Dimension.

Contact him at dhyan@ dhyanfound­ation. com

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