The Asian Age



It appears as if Raheem Sterling has added fuel to the fire that was already burning brightly. With speculatio­n about his future drawing more and more attention as the season ages, the 20year- old’s admission in an interview that his future will be where he can win trophies and his apparent dismissal of a 100,000 pounds per week contract has only put potential suitors on alert. It has even brought the dyed- in- the- wool Arsene Wenger to admit that he admires the player. Similar way he admired Luis Suarez, one would think.

The interview, which was supposedly done to curb the rumours and paint a picture that the player is not a money grubber, has fallen flat and given more legs to both. By saying ‘ I don’t want to be perceived as a money grubbing 20year- old’, Sterling might just have given the legions of Liverpool fans those very thoughts. His quick rise over the last two seasons has seen him become a household name and a full internatio­nal for England and at a club where fans value loyalty above all others, the Kop army might just have turned its back on the youngster.

But given that he is arguably the most influentia­l player, how much they will react to his comments remains to be seen.

But Sterling should not be blamed for his ambitions. Just like Fernando Torres and Suarez before him, who went looking for greener pastures for titles among other things, the youngster is also in his right to want to add titles to his name. While Torres had a torrid time personally at the club, he did manage to win a Champions League, FA Cup and a Europa League title in his stint at Chelsea and Suarez seems well on his way to silverware as well after shinning for Barcelona off late.

But unlike the duo, who made their move in the late 20’ s, was wiser and prepared for the heat and pressure that comes along with it, Sterling is still not a complete product. He still needs to develop and there is probably no better place than Liverpool where he is loved and is of prime importance.

There is also little doubt that the club’s American owner will sell him to an English club and even a move in the summer seems questionab­le as the English star still has two years remaining on his current contract and John Henry has shown previously in the Suarez episode that he won’t budge that easily.

Sterling has had an impressive career so far and shown promises of much bigger things in the future but his career has reached the crossroads and hopefully he will choose his path wisely.

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