The Asian Age



Dear Nolan, I am truly impressed with your insight and vision. My DOB is 25.11.1959. At present, I am totally devastated with suicidal thoughts. My husband passed away two and a half years ago and a few months after he passed away, my childhood buddy who is in US ( he is a divorcee with two kids) and I got in touch through a common friend after 40 years. Since then we were communicat­ing on phone and came very close, but were not open about our feelings for each other. Last month he disclosed to me that he has proposed to someone, and when we both openly voiced our liking for each other, he felt very guilty and wished he could reverse the whole thing, but then it is too late because the other person has already landed in US and will soon get married. I have no kids and I am feeling lonelier than ever. Is there any hope of reconcilia­tion? What is in store for me

in the future?

( name witheld)

Dear Madam,

“In Life the biggest love affair you will ever have is the one you have wi self.”

You’ve drawn Card IV The Emperor which means that despite the thoughts and the heartbreak, the best days of your life have only just begun.

The Emperor is the cosmic male principle and the card demands that you be a man irrespecti­ve of your biological gender. Take care of your career finances, trivialiti­es like love can wait... for now.

Also, you have a love addiction which means that you can’t function without a man in your life. This phase is an important period in your life because it will teach you how to be independen­t and free.

Harbouring suicidal thoughts requre urgent help. Please contact a counselor at the earliest. My cards also tell me that your depression is hormonal and may

require a few medical tests. In the meantime, limit your intake of caffeine to a bare minimum, eat lots of fruit and get vitamin shots as your diet plays a major role in altering depressive states.

Now for some brutal facts. Firstly, you never really loved your husband in any case. While you don’t miss him per se, you do miss the security that marriage, albeit a bad marriage, had to offer. # 2, the gentleman in America seems to be more interested in a mail- order bride than an honest relationsh­ip. Look for logic in the promises he made you and you won’t find any. The man isn’t looking for a relationsh­ip, just a long distance booty call. You should be thanking your stars and be saying good riddance rather than feeling sad.

You will marry again, and meet someone special in two months from now. But remember, nothing in life is permanent. If you’re looking for love, the kind that lasts a lifetime, look in a mirror. Your reflection is your lifelong lover and bestfriend.

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