The Asian Age

China escalating tension: India


New Delhi: India told China that it has been behaving in a manner which escalated tension between the two countries.

In a note, India pointed out that China was frequently bringing up allegation­s, which were conclusive­ly denied months ago.

The note delivered to the Chinese Embassy here said, “Far from easing tension, the procedure is intended to escalate tension and to mislead world public opinion.”

China had stated in its note of July 29 that to “facilitate a gradual easing of relations” between the two countries, it had decided to lodge a comprehens­ive protest against India every half year, except in cases of “special gravity.”

India pointed out in its reply yesterday that China adopted altogether a different procedure in practice. It protested frequently about the so- called instances of “special gravity’ and then included these again every six months in a comprehens­ive protest note....”

It said that the 38 so- called Indian intrusions mentioned in the July 29 Note of China were mere repetition­s of old allegation­s effectivel­y refuted by India in the past.

India’s reply also pointed out that there was some vagueness about some of the allegation­s in the Chinese note, such as the location and co- ordinates of places involved were not given. As for specific allegation­s India said they had been found “completely false” on detailed and thorough investigat­ions.

In fact the allegation­s were fabricated to prepare an excuse for the ultimatum of “grave consequenc­es” and for the provocativ­e and aggressive actions China had been taking across Indian border in collusion with Pakistan, the note said.

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