The Asian Age

J& K violence is backlash against RSS agenda: Cong


New Delhi, July 12: The Congress on Tuesday hit out at the BJP for the largescale violence in Jammu and Kashmir and said it is the “backlash” against the RSS agenda being “imposed” there.

“What is happening in Jammu and Kashmir is unfortunat­e. BJP should own direct responsibi­lity for all this as BJP cannot run away from its responsibi­lity as it is in government there. This is a big backlash against the agenda of RSS that is being imposed there. BJP should admit that it exerted pressure on the regional party to form the

Congress leader Azad said that it is terrible the way the police has been ‘ let loose’ on the youth and the elderly

government in the state by saying otherwise it won’t give funds. BJP will have to own up its responsibi­lity for what is happening in Jammu and Kashmir,” senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad said.

He said that “it is terrible the way the police has been “let loose” on the youth and the elderly, in which 1,500 people have been injured and more than two dozen people have died”.

Mr Azad said it is understand­able that government initiates some steps to control the law and order situation but it is a “very serious issue” when people are being killed in dozens.

The Congress leader, a former chief minister of the state, said Jammu and Kashmir is a sensitive area and is “religiousl­y sensitive, politicall­y sensitive and geographic­ally sensitive, being a border area”.

He said “imposition” of RSS ideology in Jammu and Kashmir is having a “backlash”.

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