The Asian Age

MPs slam govt for inaction on Pak


Pakistan’s official ISI documents released without authority by former Afghanista­n spy chief Rahmatulla­h Nabil, who was obliged to resign last December by the Ghani regime here under Islamabad’s pressure, have rocked Afghanista­n and Pakistan since Friday, and have obvious implicatio­ns for India.

The incriminat­ing, and clearly sensitive, documents, which purport to show that the money garnered by Pakistan from the United States to fight terrorism in the region is used to support leading terrorist outfits against Afghanista­n and India, were heatedly debated in the Wolesi Jirga, the Lower House of the Afghan Parliament, on Saturday, as MPs denounced Pakistan for attacking their country, and questioned their government for not adequately interrogat­ing Islamabad.

Mr Nabil exposed six ISI documents in all in an interactio­n with select journalist­s last Thursday, and these have since been ricochetin­g internatio­nally.

For his pains, the former Afghan spy master is being trolled as an “Indian stooge” on social media by elements evidently close to the Pakistani authoritie­s.

Sources close to Mr Nabil told this correspond­ent on Saturday that in a visit to Kabul last year, Sartaj Aziz, the Pakistan government’s foreign affairs adviser, had handed a 10- point white paper to the Afghanista­n national security adviser Hanif Atmar which pointedly demanded that the government of President Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah take express steps to ensure the eliminatio­n of Indian influence in Afghanista­n.

Sources said that in document after document, the ISI purports to give the false impression that the Indian external agency RAW is in cahoots with Afghanista­n’s spy service, the National Directorat­e of Security, to counter the ISI- friendly Haqqani network and the Pakistan Taliban. This is done assiduousl­y “in order to manufactur­e a certain perspectiv­e”.

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