The Asian Age

The Hillary Clinton conundrum

- By arrangemen­t with Dawn Mahir Ali

There is no longer much cause to doubt that Hillary Clinton will be inaugurate­d in January as the first female President of the US. The opinion polls have been strongly trending that way, notably after her Republican rival, Donald Trump, indicated last week that he would accept the result of the November 8 election only if he won the contest.

He has also undermined himself in multiple other ways, mainly through successive failures to disguise his true nature.

A handful of observers are, however, unconvince­d. They fear (or, in some cases, hope) that the polls are off the mark. They will tell you that Trump’s stunt candidacy for the Republican presidenti­al nomination was, for quite some time, deemed hopeless. That in the case of this particular contender, it would be a mistake not to expect the unexpected.

The tendency to view him as little more than a bad joke was, however, short-lived. By the time the nominating convention loomed large, he was clearly a frontrunne­r. Equally clearly, he isn’t one at the moment. In recent months, some polls placed him neck-and-neck with Clinton, but that is no longer the case. She appears to have pulled clear in the aftermath of the three ill-tempered presidenti­al debates and a series of sexual assault allegation­s against Trump, whose strident misogyny was anyhow hardly in doubt.

Yes, there is a chance that the opinion polls could all be drasticall­y off-kilter and a dreadful November surprise looms a couple of weeks ahead. But the probabilit­y is minuscule. And diminishin­g.

That does not necessaril­y translate into cause for celebratio­n, though. Sure, it is by any standard high time a woman ascended to the highest office in the land (and arguably the world). After all, nations on every continent barring North America, many with considerab­ly less experience of democracy than the US, have for decades been endorsing women as heads of government. The fact that it has taken nearly a century after women won the right to vote for this to become a viable option in the US is a travesty.

That is hardly sufficient reason, though, to unequivoca­lly hail the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Sure, the fact that, barring Trump, she is the most unpopular major-party nominee in American history can be attributed in part to sexist attitudes. But that is by no means the whole story. Let’s not forget that during the campaign for the Democratic Party nomination, younger women tended to favour an older man — not out of deference to the prevailing patriarchy, but because that particular man credibly held out the prospect of attractive deviations from the neoliberal norm.

Bernie Sanders whipped up a considerab­le degree of enthusiasm despite self-identifyin­g as a democratic socialist in a country where socialism is supposed to be a dirty word. He offered an unusually progressiv­e alternativ­e to the disillusio­ned. His message resonated with the growing numbers of discontent­ed Americans who find cause for despondenc­y in the status quo, yet are sensible enough, by and large, not to place their faith in the kind of change presaged by Trump.

A direct contest between Sanders and Trump would have been a fascinatin­g battle over sharply contrastin­g visions for America’s future. And it may well have taken place had the Democratic establishm­ent remained relatively neutral in the primary conflict between Clinton and Sanders. Predictabl­y, that did not happen.

There is not a great deal of succour to be derived from the fact that Clinton has found it expedient to take on board elements of the Sanders platform, for instance in respect of free-trade arrangemen­ts, college tuition fees and universal healthcare.

Intriguing input from WikiLeaks, possibly via state-sponsored Russian hackers, is hardly necessary, however, to recognise her contrary inclinatio­ns, and her record as secretary of state points to a deplorable enthusiasm for disastrous military interventi­ons and regime change, not to mention an unrestrain­ed passion for Israel’s Likudite predilecti­ons. Her cosiness with the sources of wealth, from Goldman-Sachs to the likes of Trump himself, is not much of a secret. And it goes almost without saying that many of her election promises will not translate into policy.

For all that, it boggles the mind when voices on the left suggest that, as President, she would be more dangerous than Trump. No. There is plenty to be said against the status quo and there is little cause to pretend that the second Clinton presidency will represent a welcome watershed.

It’s infinitely dumber, though, to imply that the Tea Party was a dangerous phenomenon, but that it would be fine for the Mad Hatter to be ensconced in the White House. Sure, “lesser evilism” is a curse. But Trump is not a risk worth taking. Under any circumstan­ces.

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