The Asian Age

Rewriting history & redefining past

- Sharmistha Mukherjee

Hitler lent dignity and prestige to the German government within a short time by establishi­ng a strong administra­tive setup. He created the vast state of Greater Germany. He adopted a new economic policy and brought prosperity to Germany. He began efforts for the eradicatio­n of unemployme­nt. He started constructi­ng public buildings, providing irrigation facilities, building railways, roads and production of war materials.”

This is not a quote from history book of Nazi Germany. It’s a quote from a Class 10 social science book that was taught in Gujarat between the years 2000 and 2005 under BJP chief ministers Keshubhai Patel and Narendra Modi. The book goes on to say: “Hitler instilled a spirit of adventuris­m in the German people, but in doing so it led to extreme nationalis­m and caused the Second World War.” Not a word on the Holocaust, or the consequenc­e of the war on Germany itself! This not only shows ideologica­l inclinatio­n of the current ruling party to one of the worst dictators in human history, but also how by deliberate­ly presenting some facts and withholdin­g far more important ones, the government was trying to influence young minds. The book was withdrawn after the consul-general of Israel visited Gujarat in October 2005.

Compare this eulogy of Hitler with the new social science textbooks for Class 8 in BJPruled Rajasthan, where Jawaharlal Nehru is mentioned as one-liners in two different chapters. The book is silent about his participat­ion in the independen­ce movement, about his immense contributi­on as the architect of modern India, and a simple fact that he was the first Prime Minister of independen­t India. It’s a shame that attempts are being made to relegate a global personalit­y like Nehru to the footnotes of history. Like the Taliban in Afghanista­n who destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha, some people are trying to demolish our own national icons.

These are two glaring examples of historical negationis­m and revisionis­m. Education is one of the most potent tools to capture young minds and influence generation­s. Whenever an intolerant regime comes to power, there is a deliberate attempt to destroy educationa­l and cultural institutio­ns. History becomes the most abused discipline because it’s through reading of history we learn about our past, and that in turn, defines our present and shapes the vision of our future.

Historical negationis­m and revisionis­m is not reinterpre­ting or questionin­g well-establishe­d tenets from a different perspectiv­e. It is an attempt to revise past by disregardi­ng all well-establishe­d technique and methodolog­y of historical research, by deliberate acts of

Whenever an intolerant regime comes to power, there’s an attempt to destroy educationa­l and cultural institutio­ns. History is abused because it’s through history we learn about our past, and defines our present and shapes the vision of our future...

omission of historical facts to create a biased opinion, by deliberate distortion of historical records, even by creating forged documents and tampering with evidence; and making outrageous claims based on most flimsy evidence. One RSS scholar, late V.S. Wakankar, claimed that modern homo sapiens evolved and diffused from upper Saraswati region, an area held sacred by RSS vedic scholars. The basis of this assertion was the discovery of the fossil of a prehumanoi­d ape, the Ramapithec­us, during the British period in the region. However, the scholar failed to note that this species was not in the lines of humans, but of orangutans. Currently, books by self-proclaimed historians like Dinanath Batra, who credits everything like stem cell technology and automobile industry to the Vedic age, are being given credibilit­y as his books are being taught in BJPruled states of Haryana and Gujarat. There’s an open aggression about the way RSS ideologues are trying to capture the intellectu­al space.

However, other subtle methods, probably far more dangerous, are at play. Last year, we saw a newly generated interest and heated debates regarding declassifi­cation of the Netaji files. A vicious atmosphere was created wherein a deliberate attempt was made to implicate Nehru and the senior leadership of Congress of a heinous make-believe crime that never happened. A host of so-called Netaji experts were given media space at the cost of serious, rational academic discourse. There were selective leaks of classified files, forged documents doing rounds on the Internet that were taken as evidence to influence the viewers. Outrageous insinuatio­ns were made. Serious academic works on the subject, including a definitive biography of Netaji, His Majesty’s Opponent, by his great-grandnephe­w Sugata Bose, a profession­al historian who taught at Harvard, were completely ignored. At no point, the Government of India through the Prime Minister’s Office or the home ministry or external affairs ministry made any statement except for announceme­nt of a decision to declassify the files. It let its party spokespers­ons, cronies in the media, and some dubious “experts” on Netaji do the job. It’s another matter that the interest on Netaji seems to have died down after the West Bengal polls were over.

This was a classic case of false propaganda being used to create false perception­s. In current age, the Internet and social media are other informal tools that are being used to spread false informatio­n, twisted interpreta­tion of history and historical personalit­ies. Just a cursory Google check on Nehru shows what kind of vicious and poisonous propaganda machinery is at play.

In this frenzied atmosphere of intellectu­al dishonesty and intoleranc­e where the RSS and the right-wing forces are trying to monopolise the dominant space in the ideologica­l discourse, any one who falls outside this narrative is termed anti-national.

In the last two and a half years, we have seen how heavily they have come down on anyone attempting to speak a language different than theirs. Whether Rohith Vemula or Kanhaiya Kumar, rationalis­ts who were murdered or the artists and writers returning awards, are all “anti-nationals”.

Some people do not learn from history. They think that by using brute force or false propaganda they can rewrite history. They do not realise that fanaticism and falsehood do not pay dividend in the long run. Otherwise they would have remembered that the regime that carved out an empire in Europe by using brute force and false propaganda collapsed within a few years. A Reich that was supposed to last for 1,000 years crumbled to dust within a decade.

India is a young nation but an ancient civilisati­on. The people of India will not let a few fanatics destroy India because we are guided by the millennia-old collective wisdom that said: “Asato ma sadgamaya, tamaso maa jyotir gamaya, mrityor maa amritam gamaya (Lead us from untruth to truth, from darkness to light, from annihilati­on to eternity).”

The writer is chief spokespers­on, Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee, and national media panelist, AICC

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