The Asian Age

EU approves new Syria sanctions, adds 10 officials


Brussels, Oct. 27: The European Union on Thursday added 10 top Syrian officials to its sanctions blacklist for their role in the “violent repression” of the civilian population.

“The persons... include high-ranking military officials and senior figures linked to the regime,” it said in a statement.

The EU leaders agreed last week to increase sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, citing devastatin­g attacks on Syria’s second city of Aleppo.

Suggestion­s are that they might also sanction Russia, which has backed long-time ally Mr Assad’s offensives against rebel forces and flown many of the missions against Aleppo, were dropped after sharp difference­s emerged.

The European Council of member states said the new Syrian sanctions

EU leaders agreed last week to increase sanctions against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime citing devastatin­g attacks on Syria’s second city of Aleppo

would hit those “responsibl­e for the violent repression against the civilian population in Syria, benefiting from or supporting the regime, and/or being associated with such persons”.

The decision brings to 217 the number of individual­s hit with travel bans or asset freezes, it said. Another 69 entities are affected by asset freezes while the EU also has in place other sanctions against Syria as a whole, including arms and oil embargoes.

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