The Asian Age

MH370 hunt to reach Africa

The families of those onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 will finance a December 3-11 trip to Madagascar from their own pockets


Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 21: The families of those onboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 said on Monday they would mount a debris-hunting trip to Madagascar to search for clues to what happened to the missing plane.

Investigat­ors have identified six pieces of wreckage to have either definitely or almost certainly come from the jet, which vanished with 239 people while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in March 2014. Voice 370, a family associatio­n, said the debris collected so far had all been found off Africa's east coast.

“Despite these hugely important finds, there has been no systematic, organised search by any responsibl­e party. This leaves the (next-of-kin) no other choice except to take it upon ourselves to do something to find answers and closure,” it said in a statement. An ongoing search in the southern Indian Ocean, where the plane is believed to have crashed, has been fruitless and could be suspended soon.

Grace Subathirai Nathan, whose mother Anne Daisy was on the flight, said she would be going to Madagascar with three other Malaysians, two Chinese and a French next-of-kin.

She said the group was financing the December 3 to 11 trip from their own pockets.

“We hope to mobilise the fishing villagers and coastal population to be on the constant lookout for new debris that could become new credible evidence,” she said.

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