The Asian Age

Actor Baldwin returns to ‘Saturday Night’ as Trump

Mr Baldwin portrayed Donald Trump as stunned and unprepared for the reality of being president Mr Trump then shot back in a series of tweets


Alec Baldwin’s return to Saturday Night Live this weekend prompted another fiery response from President-elect Donald Trump on Twitter.

The episode’s cold open features Mr Baldwin portraying Mr Trump as stunned and unprepared for the reality of being president. In the skit, he meets with various figures, including Kate McKinnon’s Kellyanne Conway, a campaign staffer from coal country and a general, who is eager to hear about the president-elect’s secret plan to defeat ISIS.

After the general leaves, Mr Trump promptly begins searching online for “What is Isis?” Mr Trump proceeds to renege on assorted campaign promises, including repealing Obamacare, deporting illegal immigrants and creating coal-mining jobs.

Jason Sudeikis, a former cast member now starring in an offBroadwa­y production of Dead Poets Society, appeared as Mitt Romney, and Beck Bennett played VicePresid­ent-elect Mike Pence, who was confronted by the Hamilton cast on Friday. In the sketch, Mr Trump asks him about attending that Broadway show and Mr Pence responds evenhanded­ly, “It was good; I got a free lecture.”

Mr Trump, however, took to Twitter to slam the NBC show. “I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show – nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?” he wrote in an early Sunday tweet.

Mr Baldwin replied Sunday morning: “You know what I would do if I were Prez? I’d be focused on how to improve the lives of as many Americans as possible...” A day ago, Mr Trump had also criticised the cast of Hamilton.

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Alec Baldwin

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