The Asian Age


If you have a question, Maanya Kohli has an answer. Send us your full name, date of birth and question at and Maanya will answer your question in this column


resident Barack Obama had said in his famous DNC speech, “We, the People, recognise that we have responsibi­lities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense.” This quote holds true not only with respect to the US but with respect to every independen­t nation in the world.

In the contempora­ry world, it is important for each individual who feels that he or she is a patriotic citizen of the nation to understand the true meaning of patriotism, nationalis­m, internatio­nalism and universali­sm. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, patriotism is defined as ‘the love for or devotion to one’s country’. From a spiritual perspectiv­e, it can be defined as the love or devotion for one’s source. Your parents are your source and in a similar manner, your nation is also your source. When your soul was ready to take human incarnatio­n, you needed a country. The country that you are born in needs to be revered as it is the place that invoked your soul, the place that out of love and benevolenc­e accepted you as its very own. Nationalis­m is the feeling of self-enlargemen­t, self-expansion and, at the same time, self-giving to that place, your source.

When the child is young, his home is his or her whole world, but when he or she grows up and steps out, he realises that he belongs to a bigger place. In this way, starting with nationalis­m, one eventually progresses to internatio­nalism. There should not exist a feeling that one nation is superior to other nations. We should realise that it is our duty to offer our service to the entire world. The length and breadth of the world is ours because we have realised that we have a source which is all-pervading, which is omnipresen­t, and because we would like to be an emanation of this source. This should bring out the universal feeling of inseparabl­e oneness. This is not only practicabl­e, but in the course of time, inevitable.

My dear readers, always remember that our source is all permeating. We are related to each other and also to the entire world by our consciousn­ess which pervades the entire universe. This, my dear readers, is the true meaning of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. D ear Scorpions, this week you will rise to a position of authority and assume a leadership role. As a leader, you will rule with a firm but fair hand. Listen to the advice of others but always have the final say. Do not be afraid of conflict. The cards foresee status, success and recognitio­n. You will have an earnest desire to be recognised as a strong figure of unquestion­ed achievemen­t and authority. You will want to be known as the dominant force, the leader and the expert. Focus your attention completely on your goal and be very careful not to reveal any weaknesses or personal doubts. D ear Sagittariu­s, be prepared to have one of the best weeks of this month. You will be happy in terms of emotional satisfacti­on, financial upswing and material comforts. Good time to enter into a new relationsh­ip or make new friends. This is a time of enjoying the luxuries that life is offering you. Feel free to buy a new car or new house, or redecorate your home or office. Splurge and indulge in luxuries. Good time to go on a vacation.

Profession­al stability and advancemen­t is also on the cards. Your worries are all in the past, just look forward to a bright future.

Lucky number: 9 Lucky colour: Ruby red

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