The Asian Age

Army orders inquiry into jawan’s death


A 33-year-old soldier who was allegedly part of a recent exposé by a website on the abuse of the British-era “sahayak” or orderly system in the army was found hanging in abandoned barracks on Thursday. The body of Roy Matthews, an artillery gunner, was found decomposed and hanging in a ruined barracks in the artillery centre of Deolali camp, Nashik. Matthews was working as a ‘buddy’ to a colonel in the school of artillery.

Matthews’s body was identified due to the batch number found on the person. He was a resident of Kollam in Kerala. Earlier, Matthews’s family had registered a missing complaint in Kollam. Minister of state for defence, Subhash Bhamre, said that an inquiry by a high-level officer would be conducted along with the home department. “Everything will be inquired into,” Mr Bhamre said. Though the reason behind the suicide is unknown, the police recovered a diary written in Malayali and are decipherin­g the contents. Meanwhile, the defence ministry called the death a suicide, and said preliminar­y investigat­ions revealed it “may be a result of the series of events which were triggered by the media managing to videograph the deceased by asking leading questions on his duties as a buddy without his knowledge”.

Deputy commission­er of police, Srikant Dhivare, said that they were investigat­ing whether the deceased was in the viral video or not. “We have found his mobile phone and a diary written in Malayali language. His wife and father arrived in Nashik today. We handed over the body to them. The SP Kollam has said that they had registered a missing case at Kollam earlier,” Mr Dhivare said. Matthews was allegedly videograph­ed in an Army sting video, which went viral.

 ??  ?? Roy Matthews
Roy Matthews

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