The Asian Age

Drunk man, 60, stabs son in a fit of rage


A 60-year-old inebriated man allegedly killed his son by stabbing him in his chest with a knife in Northwest Delhi’s Bhalswa Dairy on Tuesday night.

The police said the elderly man was under the influence of alcohol when he attacked his son in a fit of rage following an argument.

Initial probe into the murder case has revealed that the elderly man, Chandrika, often consumed alcohol and thrashed his wife. His son, Gyanu, did not like his father ill-treating and often misbehavin­g with his mother under the influence of alcohol. They often had fights over the same issue.

On Tuesday, at around 8 pm, Chandrika returned home in an inebriated condition. Chandrika’s wife Saraswati, his three children Gyanu, Jugnu, Suraj and Sandhya, and grandson Suraj were present at the house. A few minutes later, Chandrika started hurling abuses on his grandson with any reason.

When Saraswati tried to stop him, Chandrika, became enraged and began verbally abusing his wife. When despite her repeated requests to stop using abusive language Chandrika did not stop, their son Gyanu intervened and objected his father’s ill-behaviour. “This enraged Chandrika further and he started abusing Gyanu as well. An argument broke out between Chandrika and Gyanu during which Chandrika went to the kitchen, picked up the kitchen knife and stabbed Gyanu,” said a senior police officer.

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