The Asian Age

‘Forgotten’ rural France seethes over big city bias

- Clare Byrne

Varzy, France: With its deserted streets, “For Sale” signs and weeds pushing through the pavement, the village of Varzy symbolises the plight of the depressed French hinterland, a key theme in the presidenti­al race.

Standing at the counter in one of two bars left in the central village of around 1,300 people, truck driver Michel Cadour counts off the restaurant­s that have closed in recent years.

“There is nothing left here,” the ruddy-faced 58year-old said with a resigned air. “Young people don’t want to start anything because there are no customers. Nowadays the only restaurant that opens in the evening is the kebab shop.”

The fate of provincial towns and villages looms large over France’s April 23-May 7 election, with voters in areas scarred by population decline and shrinking public services threatenin­g to take revenge on mainstream politician­s.

France’s countrysid­e, provincial towns and the area between town and country are estimated by geographer Christophe Guilluy to contain 60 per cent of the population.

Traditiona­lly rural areas in France have voted for candidates on the right, but many are now leaning towards the far-right.

For Pascal Perrineau, a political scientist at Sciences Po university, the French election, like the US vote which brought in President Donald Trump, has revealed a rift between rural communitie­s and the cosmopolit­an cities.

“If you go 20 km (12 miles) north, south, east or west out of Paris you will find yourself in another France, which is far more immobile, hit by unemployme­nt, worried about identity and marked by social and cultural divisions,” he told a group of foreign correspond­ents in Paris.

Far-right presidenti­al candidate Marine Le Pen, who is running neck-andneck with centrist Emmanuel Macron for the first round vote, according to opinion polls, has campaigned as the champion of the “forgotten French” against the “globalist” elite.

“I support Marine. She is the only one we haven’t tried,” Cadour said, sipping on a beer.

“Mainstream politician­s don’t care about rural voters. They’re too busy looking after their interests in town,” he said.

Ashortage of doctors, which affects parts of Paris also but is most acute in central France, has come to symbolise the malaise of the rural dweller.

Situated in the Nievre department, which has lost over a quarter of its general practition­ers since 2007, Varzy has struggled to attract young physicians, put off by the isolation and large caseloads of the country doctor.

From four a decade ago, the number of GPs in Varzy has fallen to two. Patients also complain of long delays to consult ophthalmol­ogists, gynaecolog­ists and other specialist­s.

“The politician­s don’t realise how people live. People here can’t get proper care,” said Antoine, a 52-year-old former soldier who gave up trying to see a cardiologi­st about a heart problem after being told he would have to wait four months.

“We don’t just have a medical desert in France. We have a real political desert,” said the burly security guard, expressing tentative support for the “clearsight­edness” of the maverick Macron.

Pascal Gleitz, a doctor who worked for 20 years in Varzy, blamed the sense of abandonmen­t in rural areas on cutbacks in public services.

Citing the closure of many village post offices, the silver-haired physician said: “Before, there was a very strong bond between the state and the population. That has been lost.”

In Nevers, the region’s administra­tive centre where he now practises, Gleitz manages to see all urgent cases within 24 hours.

But the longtime Socialist stronghold of 37,000 people also struggles to attract doctors and other profession­als.

The population of the picturesqu­e town on the Loire river has fallen by more than 10,000 in the past 20 years and the once buzzing centre has been abandoned by shoppers for out-of-town supermarke­ts and malls.

On a walkabout of the town, estate agent Jerome Coquin pointed out the fake storefront­s depicting thriving businesses painted by the city over shuttered shops.

While acknowledg­ing that there was “no miracle solution” for towns lacking the attraction­s of big cities or the country, he expressed frustratio­n at the lack of decentrali­sation in France.

“There’s Paris and the big cities — and there’s the rest,” the 39-year-old local grumbled.

To Mayor Denis Thuriot, what matters most to voters in an area where the late Socialist President Francois Mitterrand took his early political steps for the top job “is that they are given proper considerat­ion”.

“They believe that a lot is being done for big cities and rural areas and that no one is looking after the space in between,” said the former Socialist who won office in 2014 on a cross-platform list.

Like his favoured candidate Macron, Thuriot believes that the digital economy is key to attracting investment.

He also shares the exbanker’s prediction that the French will avoid extremes in the run-off round of the election that is expected to pit Macron against Le Pen.

“I’m convinced that the majority of the French are moderates deep down,” he said.

 ?? — AFP ?? A woman walks past a closed business in Varzy, central France. With its deserted streets, ‘For Sale’ signs and weeds pushing through the pavement, the village of Varzy symbolises the plight of the depressed French hinterland, a key theme in the...
— AFP A woman walks past a closed business in Varzy, central France. With its deserted streets, ‘For Sale’ signs and weeds pushing through the pavement, the village of Varzy symbolises the plight of the depressed French hinterland, a key theme in the...

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