The Asian Age




I am 35 years old and my husband is 45. We got married just six months back. We haven’t been able to intercours­e properly till now. My husband is facing a problem of premature ejaculatio­n, post which, his penis has withdrawn from any action. We have consulted a gynecologi­st and he gave us these: Promaetil, Verilex, and Penegra Xpress. Even after taking these, we have not seen any positive results. Please suggest.

The ideal method of managing the situation is to first find out the cause(s) of the problem and then plan a treatment. Premature ejaculatio­n can be caused by physical factors (diabetes, short frenulum, sensitivit­y reactions, certain neurologic­al problems, etc.) or psychologi­cal factors (conditione­d response, anticipato­ry anxiety, personalit­y traits, etc.) or a combinatio­n of both. If it is due to a physical condition then pharmacoth­erapy (treatment with medicines) will be suitable. But if it is due to a psychologi­cal factor(s) then you should go for Sex Therapy. I suggest that you consult a specialist in sexual medicines.


I am 26 years old and pregnant for over a month. My husband has been avoiding me since the time the pregnancy test had come positive. I really need him both mentally as well as physically. But his behaviour is totally frustratin­g me. Please guide.

I think, he is a little concerned about your health. In general, sexual intercours­e can be had till the end of the ninth month provided there are no complicati­ons. Intercours­e should be avoided by those women who have: previously had a premature baby, have a dilated or effaced cervix, previously dealt abortions and miscarriag­es, etc. Request your husband to clarify his doubts with your doctor. The writer is a sexologist. Mail him at

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