The Asian Age

German MPs approve partial ban on burqa



German lawmakers on Thursday approved a partial ban on the full-face burqa Islamic veil and a package of security measures aimed at preventing extremist attacks. The new laws follow several jihadist attacks, including a truck rampage through a Berlin Christmas market that claimed 12 lives, and come ahead of September elections.

The new law on facial coverings falls short of a total ban in public places demanded by right-wing parties, like that in effect in neighbouri­ng France since 2011. The prohibitio­n will apply to public servants, including election officials, military and judicial staff, performing their duties. “The state has a duty to present itself in an ideologica­lly and religiousl­y neutral manner,” says the text of the law passed by the lower house in the evening.

Germany has since 2015 taken in more than one million migrants and refugees, most from predominan­tly Muslim countries. This has stoked a xenophobic backlash and boosted the right-wing populist Alternativ­e for Germany party, which has attempted to link the influx to a heightened threat of terrorism.

Interior minister Thomas de Maiziere said the social integratio­n of immigrants requires “that we make clear and communicat­e our values and the limits of our tolerance to other cultures”.

The ban on full facial coverings allows exceptions — for example, for health workers protecting themselves against infections or police officers concealing their identity.

People can also be required to remove facial coverings in order to match them with their identity papers.

New security measures also include the use of electronic ankle bracelets, if approved by a judge, for people deemed a security threat, in federal police cases. — AFP

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