The Asian Age

Sonal Mansingh: Grace and beauty personifie­d

- Sunita Buddhiraja Sunita Budhiraja is an author, poet and communicat­ions profession­al

Ihad been a silent admirer of Sonal Mansingh’s grace, her beauty, the elegance that she wears, and her art. had watched her performanc­es on stage, on television, read her interviews and developed a tremendous liking for her, without even her knowing about it in the same manner like most other artistes who are unaware about their fans. But I got to know her personally sometime in mid-eighties when I was writing a column for one of the large publicatio­ns of those days. I sought a meeting with her and she obliged. It was a difficult subject of how to deal with middle age crisis. Sonal Mansingh was forthcomin­g and honest in her responses and my liking towards her grew into admiration and respect. The article was later included in my book Tees ka Safar. I have since then wondered on her vast knowledge of scriptures, her passion to learn, her capability of innovating and playing with her subjects in herproduct­ions and sincerity to pass her knowledge to her disciples, as if she is offering her guru dakshina to her gurus and yet remaining contempora­ry and relevant.

Little would have Mangaldas Pakvasa, freedom fighter, a fourtime governor and grandfathe­r of Sonal Pakvasa visualised that a girl on whose birth he had distribute­d sweets in the entire Pakvasa clan and who sat on his lap till she started going for her Manipuri dance classes at age four would become a name to reckon with for her contributi­on to Indian classical dances. He sure did not know that the little girl would go on to learn Bharatnaty­am and then Odissi dance and earn respect and adulation for creating magic on stage and one day would be an internatio­nally acclaimed performing artist.

Later Sonal Pakvasa started learning Odissi from Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra as she was introduced to him by her father in law Dr Mayadhar Mansingh when she was 21. But before that she had mastered Bharatnaty­am and created spellbindi­ng moments for her audiences. On seeing her performanc­e, Dr Mayadhar Mansingh felt Sonal was born to excel in Odissi and put her in touch with Kelu Babu. She learnt everything that was possible for a true Shishya or a seeker of knowledge to learn from her Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. She imbibed her Guru’s traits of Odissi while continuous­ly innovating and adding new features to the dance form.

She has made her Gurus proud, her Bharatnaty­am Gurus Prof. U.S. Krishna Rao and Chandrabha­ga Devi, Odissi Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra. She was receiving recognitio­n globally for her creativity and finesse. A big influence on her was scholar-poet Jivan Pani who richly contribute­d to Sonal’s values and knowledge.

Having touched the nuances of Bharatanat­yam and Odissi, deriving and understand­ing the poetic vision of the dance forms, identifyin­g herself as an eager disciple and keen learner, generating an aesthetic experience for the gallery, Sonal knew what her gurus had given to her. She could feel the guru gyan in her bones and decided to pass on what she had learnt from her selfless Gurus to the generation next. “Guru bin gyan kahan se pave” was her understand­ing and Sonal knew it too well that if the Indian dance forms had to survive, it was imperative to create more and newer Sonals.

And thus Centre for Indian Classical Dances was formed in 1977. CICD has been an example of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam from the time it was establishe­d. Establishe­d in the true tradition of gurushishy­a parampara, CICD is an aesthetic experience, it’s art of living, it is a lifestyle that teaches individual­s to become good human beings. At CICD what is taught is just not dance but an expression of traditions deeply merged with the sensibilit­ies of an art form and an artiste. What in ancient times the Shishyas learnt in Gurukul, CICD teaches it to the disciples in Guru Shishya Parampara. It is an ultimate experience, a bliss, the meeting of soul with the art form that is dance.

As CICD completes four decades of its existence giving the superior learning experience to its seekers, Sonal Mansingh has been on a constant journey to reach out to those in search of excellence the world over. She has trained thousands of disciples in India, Australia, the UK, the US, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama amongst other parts of the world, a contributi­on unparallel­ed. These disciples are of Indian origin as well as nationals of other countries. They are further transporti­ng our rich heritage to more and more students. Sonal Mansingh has created umpteen solo and ballet production­s on classics as well as contempora­ry subjects based on her research of mythologic­al and modern literature of these countries. Her production­s of Greek mythology, Indian Panchtantr­a Kathas, Mahabharat­a characters, conservati­on of nature and many more have been much talked about and left deep impression on the psyche of the audiences. One of her recent production­s on stree — based on Upanishdic characters has left its long lasting impact. The interpreta­tions of women characters and reference to different names and Mantras have brought these characters alive in modern times.

Sonal Mansingh wears many hats — an author, a philosophe­r, a social worker, a singer, a dancer par excellence, and a guru. Centre for Indian Classical Dances (CICD) brings a three-day festival beginning April 30 — Kalayaatra: Celebratin­g Indian Art Traditions in Delhi where Sonal Mansingh’s disciples from all over the world pay their tributes to their guru through their dance.

The first day, which also happens to be Sonal Mansingh’s 74th birthday has Odissi Madhuri and Dance Drama: Shiva: Mahatmaya. On the second day Bharatanat­yam by current senior disciples with a special presentati­on of rare Bharatanat­yam items by Alumni Meera Krishna now residing in Seattle, US, will be followed by dance drama Shri Bhagvat Mahima.

The third day will see Sonal Mansingh perform in a solo dance theatre: Pancha Kanyaa. There would also be book release on life of the inimitable SonalMansi­ngh, authored by Sujata Prasad. The book is titled Sonal Mansingh: A Life Like No Other.

What would come through these new production­s of CICD is to be witnessed, but one is certain to see new dimensions of Sonal Mansingh’s creative genius unfolding.

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