The Asian Age


If you have a question, Maanya Kohli has an answer. Send us your full name, date of birth and question at and Maanya will answer your question in this column


Once upon a time, Lord Krishna and Arjun went for a short stroll around the city. During their saunter, they saw a poor priest begging for money. Arjun felt pity towards the priest and gave him a bag of gold coins. The priest was exhilarate­d. He thanked Arjun profusely and ran toward his house. On his way, he met a poor man begging for alms but he simply ignored him. As luck would have it, the priest met a robber, who stole his gold coins. The poor priest was dejected and went begging for alms the next day. He met Arjun and told him his unfortunat­e story. This time too, Arjun gave him a diamond. The priest was overjoyed and left for home. Once again, he ignored the beggar on his way back. Upon reaching home, he safely put the diamond in an empty pot and went off to sleep. His wife, who was not at home then, soon returned. She picked up the empty pot, went to the riverside and filled the pot with water. She didn’t even notice when the diamond fell out of the pot and went into the river. When the priest woke up, he was surprised to see the pot filled with water, with no sign of the diamond.

The priest was dejected but took this loss in his stride and the next day went begging again. He met Arjun and Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna gave the priest one coin, which was not even enough for buying lunch. Arjun was surprised, “Lord, how will this coin help the poor priest?” Lord Krishna smiled and said, “Let’s follow the priest, you shall understand.”

On the way, the priest saw a fisherman who was getting a fish out of his net. He thought that this one coin wouldn’t solve any of his problems, and it would be better to save the fish. He gave the fisherman the coin, took the fish and put it in his small pot of water, which he always carried with him. The fish was struggling for breath, it wriggled and spit out a diamond from its mouth! The priest screamed with joy, “I found it, I found it!” At that same time, the thief who had robbed the priest’s bag of gold coins was close by. He thought that the priest had recognised him and would get him punished. He returned his bag full of gold coins. The priest just stood there flabbergas­ted. Arjun saw all this and said, “Oh Lord, now I understand your play.” My dear readers, when you do good to others, it comes back to you multifold and in unexpected ways. Life is hard enough, and doing good can make the world a better place. I wish that you put out good, so that your life is filled with unexpected blessings. T his week, you need to be very careful as someone is trying to con you. Perhaps somebody is trying to manipulate you for his own selfish needs. This person could also be someone at work who is a tyrant and a “loose cannon”. He is prone to angry outbursts, particular­ly if you challenge his authority. He is not pleasant to be around and is likely to leave you feeling demoralise­d and degraded. A few Scorpians might act in an indecisive manner. You need to drive your energy towards taking a decision and then acting upon it. The longer you wait, the longer you delay your fulfillmen­t.

Lucky number: 5 Lucky colour: Light grey T his week, you might feel stagnant. Are you feeling as if you are stuck in a rut? If so, you need to lighten up. Spend some time with friends, go shopping and just do things which you enjoy. On the profession­al front, you might have to deal with someone who is slow and dull. It might be difficult working with this man as he might impede your progress. However, do not get into a direct confrontat­ion; instead try to deal with him in a calm and diplomatic manner. Sagittaria­ns also need to stay away from gambling and all kinds of speculatio­ns.

Lucky number: 8 Lucky colour: Brown

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