The Asian Age

Exit polls predict huge victory for left-leaning Moon Jae-In in Prez elections

Former human rights lawyer wins presidenti­al election by a landslide, says exit poll


Left-leaning former human rights lawyer Moon Jae-in won South Korea’s presidenti­al election by a landslide, an exit poll predicted when voting closed on Tuesday.

The election was called to choose a new President after Park Geun-Hye was ousted and indicted for corruption, and took place against a backdrop of high tensions with the nucleararm­ed North.

Voters were galvanised by anger over the sprawling bribery and abuse-ofpower scandal that brought down Park, which catalysed frustratio­ns over jobs and slowing growth.

They gave Mr Moon, of the Democratic Party, who backs engagement with the North, 41.4 per cent support, according to the joint survey by three television stations. Conservati­ve Hong Joonpyo — who dubs Mr Moon a “pro-Pyongyang leftist” was far behind on 23.3 per cent, with centrist Ahn Cheol-soo third on 21.8.

“I feel the people’s strong will to change the government... we can make it a reality only when we vote,” Mr Moon said after casting his ballot with his wife in western Seoul.

National elections are public holidays in South Korea and a record turnout was expected, with 75.1 per cent of voters casting their ballots by 7:00 pm, an hour before the polls closed, just below the final turnout of five years ago.

Kim Sun-chul, 59, said he voted for Mr Moon because “this country needs to restore democracy which has been so undermined by the Park government”.

The campaign focused largely on the economy, with North Korea less prominent, but after a decade of conservati­ve rule a Moon victory could mean a sea change in Seoul’s approach towards both Pyongyang and key ally Washington.

The 64-year-old — accused by his critics of being soft on the North — has advocated dialogue to ease tensions and to bring it to negotiatio­ns. He is seen as favouring more independen­ce in relations with the US, Seoul’s security guarantor with 28,500 troops in the country.

Their presence, he told reporters during the campaign, was “important not only to our own security but also to the global strategy of the US”. —

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